OK as said in a previous thread i managed to get the email address of this girl l really like. I managed to pick up the corrage and ask her if she minded giving her thoughts on a song l wrote. Emailed her the saturday after we broke up, nothing; and then again her college address on the following wednesday (as l wasn't sure if i remembered it correctly) and to this day still nothing. I really wanna know why she hasnt replied, i mean she's normally sooo nice to me. The only thing i'm thinking is that i got her address wrong and she ignored my college one as she didnt recognise my real name 'edmund'.
Would it be foolish to try anything else?
My only slight 'guilty conscience' is that her best mate -whos also really sweet to me- did walk by as my mates were taking the pee outta me for getting this address n then not rememberring it. But she didnt look like she noticed, she smiled n said hi as normal. Plus she has enough trouble understanding me when im talking to her, let alone laughing loudly with mates.
What could this mean?? l know i'm really parranoid but i just want a few more signs!!