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Argh, funny ear/hearing - help

I've had it for two days, now!

Haven't been very well for the last couple of days, I even went to the doctors yesterday and did mention my ear but obviously the end of my 10 minutes was coming up and she just looked down my ear and that was it!

My left ear is being very odd, it's ringing loudly and the tv/people talking is echoing quite badly through it. Everything sounds very strange and if I cover my other ear up the sound is muffled, then if i flick my finger it makes a sound like a ring/popping funny sound. Can I do anything to make it go a flipping way!?

ARGH. Annoying me now!!
Reply 1
Does it hurt? It could be an ear infection, I had those symptoms during my years of reoccurant ear infections. But your doctor would have picked up on that surely??

Could it be tinnitus? A bit extreme, yes. But it has the symptoms of a buzzing/ringing noise that can be either continuous or intermittant.
Reply 2
Does it hurt? It could be an ear infection, I had those symptoms during my years of reoccurant ear infections. But your doctor would have picked up on that surely??

Could it be tinnitus? A bit extreme, yes. But it has the symptoms of a buzzing/ringing noise that can be either continuous or intermittant.

Sounds like some kind of blockage. Have you had a history of ear problems? It may be worth seeing a second GP - they might give you some antibiotics or somesuch. And Tinnitus wouldn't make the ear muffled.
Reply 3
No, haven't had anything since I was about 7 when I had a burst ear drum. It's just driving me mental with the echoeing with the televisioN!
Reply 4
Could be your eustachian tube :confused: I have a problem called eustachian tube dysfunction and it does sound like your tube is playing up, esp. with the popping sound :smile: I would suggest putting some mentholated oil in a bowl of hot water, place your face over the bowl with a towel over your head and the bowl (if that makes sense! :biggrin: ) and having a good sniff, that might help unblock the tube :smile:
Reply 5
i think u should go and get it checked out. i put eat stuff off for years then discovered i was born with abnormally short eustachian tubes and now have a rare diagnosed condition called obscure coding. not to freak u out or anything. go to the doc and explain u are concerned. its their job afterall!
Reply 6
I get that annoying ringing sometimes, bloody annoying. Doesnt hurt but goes away after a while.