The Student Room Group

gold filling

I have a gold filling on the back of my right molar and I hate it! Actually I hate the whole tooth...I had this crazy bitch of a dentist last year who more or less completely drilled away most of it. She didn't administer me the anaesthetic properly so she was drilling into the nerve the whole time. It was dreadful. Anyway now the tooth feels sharp on the ridges and feels like it's almost going to crack. There's also a tiny black mark which must be a hole on the outside of the molar.

The rest of my teeth are in excellent condition and I have been quite lucky (well I say lucky...I've always brushed and used mouthwash twice a day, plus I floss regularly) until now. The dentist I had before the crazy lady never did anything about this molar even though it was obvious I needed a filling, so this is why it's got so bad. The tooth is also really sensitive to cold food and I can't really put any proper pressure on it because it hurts. Is there any way that gold fillings can be removed and replaced with the normal white ones? Also do gold fillings fall out eventually?
Reply 1
no idea ~ see a new dentist!
Reply 2
If the tooth is causing you pain, definately make an appointment with a dentist. Most dentists will offer you a white, natural looking filling if you ask them, and from the sounds of it the filling might need to be replaced anyway.

I don't know if gold fillings ever fall out - but my uncle has had a few for twenty or so years without trouble.
Reply 3
Ok thank you, it doesn't seem as though many other people have gold fillings on here! My current dentist implied that it was really stupid of my old dentist to give me a gold one and that I was too young. I will go back and see if anything can be done in the summer, I may as well since treatment is free at the moment.