The Student Room Group

How long does a eye test take?

Im supposed to be going with my nan to the hospital tomorrow for a eye test x ray or something and my uncle is dropping her off and I have to wait with her (he says theres no where for him to park) and then ring him so he can take her home again. Thing is its the time of month lol and I get really bad period pain so I wondered does anyone know how long eye tests take? I can't really let everyone down and say im not going waiting with her they will think im making excuses.
Also I get really panicky and hot when I get bad period pain does anyone else start panicking?:confused:
Reply 1
A routine check up normally takes about ten-fifteen minutes. But if she's having an X-ray taken for it, it probably isn't routine. So I have no idea.
Reply 2
Can't you just take painkillers? I couldn't live without them! OK that sounds like I'm addicted! Hehe. I know what you mean about panicking, I guess it's just really wanting it to stop and so you're constantly thinking about it and can't concentrate. Hope it's all OK. :smile:
Reply 3
Can't you just take painkillers? I couldn't live without them! OK that sounds like I'm addicted! Hehe. I know what you mean about panicking, I guess it's just really wanting it to stop and so you're constantly thinking about it and can't concentrate. Hope it's all OK. :smile:

As it's a hospital job, it really depends. If it's private she'll probably be in and out in 20 minutes, if not who knows... You could be sat around waiting for ages *just* to be seen - especially if the appointment is later in the day and delays have built up...