The Student Room Group


Is there anyone else who's gay and found/is finding it hard to talk to people about it? The reason i ask is just cos i had problems coming to terms with it i mean i'm fine now but at the time it was quite a traumatic experience, which ended up in self harm. If ne1 is in a position where they need someone to talk but cnt face talking to someone they know really well, i thort this could be a place for people to get stuff of their chests so that they dnt end up doing what i did. Hope this is of help to some people.
I think every gay man has considerable difficulties coming to terms with their sexuality. There is alot of guilt, shame and anxiety brought about by the pressures of society - and it takes a long time to realise that homosexuality is totally morally neutral and it's society that has the problem.

The worst I went through was sleepless nights and anxiety relating to the fact that honestly didn't ever think I would have the guts to tell anyone becasue at the time it seemed so difficult.

I hope everything is working out for you now.
Reply 2
There is actually a LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) thread in the societies. Despite the fact that most of the time we just chat, we're always available if we're needed!