The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Ok Ok so an offer finally came through - almost 5 months after i sent in my full application for MPHIL Management.

Ok and look, surprise surprise as per the annoying 'We are Cambridge, we will treat you like a piece of meat', the offer is for a First.

Anyway, sarcasm aside, does anyone know how lenient they are on missing the First-class grade mark? I will graduate with a mid-high 2:1 this summer.

Any help would be great. Thanks
Reply 2
From what I heard, Cambridge is strict on academic results. (well is that surprising at all?)
But no harm in contacting the dept if a high 2:1 is acceptable.

Best of luck!

Reply 3
pinknellie, I have been accepted by Cambridge MPhil Management as well, well on a first as you know which college u are in?

I am still struggling between cambridge and LSE tho'
Reply 4
hey yandy (lovin the nickname chappy). Well only got the offer through a while ago so not sure yet. But it is funny, i check my self-service page a few times a day so i know which college i have been allocated. This is very important to me.

I picked kings and trinity as my 1st and 2nd choices respectively..i chose these for a number of reasons, but the basis - they were old respected colleges, had a good state-private mix and they actually had grad accommodation in college as opposed to private college-owned accomm in cambridge town centre. I wanted the whole insular-college experience (esp as i am only there for 1 year!).

If you don't mind me asking - When did your offer come through? What is your profile? And where are you from? (International/home).

Ya in same position too with regards to choices, picked Bath as it is an amazing course, nice city, good price. Plus lots of professional accredidations too. Big dilemma - Bath course beats Cam hands down, but the Cam name. Substance Vs style choices. BIG BIG Dilemma.

PM if you want to talk about anything.

LSE/OX isn't that big of a difference, i would choose LSE as it is far more careers focused while cam mhpil is a bit more academic orientated. What did you want to do afterwards? My whole rationale was i wanted a hard-core business career and Business school was the proving ground that would mould me into that. (Followed by the lovely ACA of course).
Reply 5
pinknellie,ive picked kings as my 1st choice too but hughes hall as 2nd ...n now i m allocated to hughes hall which is not 2 bad, i chose it becoz its a new post grad hall, with en suite rooms and most importantly, not far from JBS.........

I applied in January and got my offer in April, I am an international student, now doing Economics in Durham, what about you?

I completely agree with you that its a big big dilemna between the name and the course itself. As for course, LSE def. beat cambridge especially I can go to U Chicago for a term to study alongside with MBA students for LSE course. I actually wanna do fashion related business afterwards and london is totally a place for it...............but anyway, cant make any decision now, have to wait till result is out, i mean if i dun get first, i have no choice but to go to LSE anyway. ( I don't mean LSE is my backup however)