The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
I wouldn't go for websites, you don't really know who you're talking to a lot of the time.

The easiest way to meet people is to go out with your friends to bars/pubs/clubs etc and just try and chat to people other than just those you're with. It's a bit harder for guys and girls as they're the ones that are expected to make the first move and go over to say hi, but what do you have to lose? Just go over, introduce yourself and have a chat.
Reply 2
How old are you?
Reply 3
Im 18.
Reply 4
I think that leaving the computer screen is probably going to be your best bet (not in a degrading way at all)

I always find I meet nice women when Im out and not even looking!

Put yourself out there, be honest, be yourself
do a fashion course at uni XD all the men are gay so not competition
Reply 6
Randomly throw yourself at girls you see in the street.

Seriously: perhaps if you weren't so worried about meeting girls (and trying so hard) it might happen when you least expect it?

Do you feel like you NEED to be with a girl?
Streak through the assembly of an all-girls' school...:smile:
Reply 8
^^ I did that once, didn't go aswell as i hoped :frown:, the nuns were not impressed.
Randomly throw yourself at girls you see in the street.

Seriously: perhaps if you weren't so worried about meeting girls (and trying so hard) it might happen when you least expect it?

Do you feel like you NEED to be with a girl?

You would be suprised! Some guys do apparantley throw themselves at girls in the street- i was asked out by batman today! Definately the most "interesting" way i've been asked out :p: ! He was collecting money for charity and got talking to me and then gave me his number and asked me out on a date! Superheroes, honestly! :rolleyes:

Reply 10
I go to the female changing rooms at my gym, walk in and run forwards, trip over. 'Woah sorry ladies, wrong room. Ah my ankle" Then I get a swarm around me within seconds.
Reply 11
Stay far away from dating sites! You'll think your meeting a hot girl but it'll probably be a wrinkly, old man (i don't speak from personal experience). Do you have any friends that are girls? Maybe they can introduce you to some of their girlfreinds!?
Reply 12
go out more.. bars/pubs/clubs/parties... simple
ummm yeah same as above......get out more......moreover i know its hard but you need to develop a tad more confidence........girls like confidence in a boy! do you live in london? cos if you do there are plenty of opportunities.where it is just huge gatherings of teenagers....Xfm first friday, KOKO every friday, barfly, panic etc. PM me i can give you more advice if you want :smile:
You would be suprised! Some guys do apparantley throw themselves at girls in the street- i was asked out by batman today! Definately the most "interesting" way i've been asked out :p: ! He was collecting money for charity and got talking to me and then gave me his number and asked me out on a date! Superheroes, honestly! :rolleyes:


My friend got asked out by Spiderman last week, also collecting for charity - I see a theme here...
Lol! Spiderman was also in the street... as was superman! It was a very strange day!

:smile: This post is cute!! Its hardly a problem!! So stop worrying! But, yeah, go out more, have more fun, be Mr Confident and the girls will flock! (Or they should!)
Reply 17
I go to the female changing rooms at my gym, walk in and run forwards, trip over. 'Woah sorry ladies, wrong room. Ah my ankle" Then I get a swarm around me within seconds.

LOL i gotta try that one day
ummm yeah same as above......get out more......moreover i know its hard but you need to develop a tad more confidence........girls like confidence in a boy! do you live in london? cos if you do there are plenty of opportunities.where it is just huge gatherings of teenagers....Xfm first friday, KOKO every friday, barfly, panic etc. PM me i can give you more advice if you want :smile:

he might not like indie!!
although those are good places to meet people, i have met a couple of boyfriends at those clubs
Reply 19
In all honesty it depends purely on the girl. If you get her eye contact then just give her your number.