The Student Room Group

Staying up all night

Basically I have so much work to do by next week, and I was wondering if it's safe to stay up all night tonight, and how long does it take to get back into the routine if you stay up for only one night?
I have too much work to do and it feels so crap and I just want some way of fitting in the time to do my work. I find it easier to work at night as there are less distractions.

Anyone else feel like this? :frown::frown::frown::frown::frown:

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Reply 1
Your body can take a lot, especially if it's only a few days of less sleep. Take some powernaps during the day to recharge.

I've no idea if it's healthy, but your body can handle it.
i'm the same, i find it easier to work at night but when ever i do an allnighter im completely fine the whole next day but in the evening i end up falling asleep around 7ish and wake up around 11ish feeling to tired to work and end up wasting a whole day of working time, i guess if you burn the midnight oil one night then you need to work your socks off and get as much done as you might not have much energy the next day (unless you sleep all day the next day, though i always end up with a spliting headache when i do that so get no work done neway lol i really do make far too many accuses!), speaking of work i better go do some
Reply 3
One night won't kill you. Just set aside some time the next day to recharge, don't be too active. Make sure you take a lot of fluids, and I don't mean coffee. I mean water :biggrin:
Maybe you'd be better trying to shift you sleeping patterns o you are awake more at night over a the next week rather than doing ti all at once. I'm sure you're body would cope better with an hour or too shift and less sleep this way than a sudden change and loss of an entire nights sleep.
Reply 5
All you need is a load of Tesco Kick (or Sainsbury's Blue Bolt or Asda's Blue Charge :biggrin:) and whenever you feel like you're going to doze off have a swig. YOu should be alright for a few nights and then when you're done just get a few early nights in. Works for me.
Reply 6
Yeh, I did it a couple of times last semester and I like it because I get so much work done. It only took me a cople of nights of sleep to feel better again. Be strict with yourself the next day though and dont let yourself sleep too much or you wont sleep in the night and thats when you start getting into bad sleeping habits.

Oh and if you are drinking coffee be careful. I accidentally OD'd on caffiene once and it was not pretty :eek:
If you are going to stay up, make sure you eat regularly throughout the night to keep your energy levels up. Coffee alone isn't going to work.
Reply 8
ok food pile, check. Coffee, check. energy pills, check, water, check!
Reply 9
I accidentally OD'd on caffiene once and it was not pretty :eek:

How on earth did you do that? :eek:

I thought you needed something crazy like 300 cups of coffee!
Reply 10
Yes, a one night all-nighter wont kill you. I did that for several days in a row with no sleep- not recommended for the amount of time that I did it for without any sleep but as it's only one night you shouldn't feel really exhausted the next day. I'd recommend drinking some pineapple juices or other during that time though as they are icetonic drinks. Aka they have natural sugars in them that provide lots of energy and raise your mood without damaging your health and mucking your body up like coffee or some type of pills do.
Reply 11
How on earth did you do that? :eek:

I thought you needed something crazy like 300 cups of coffee!

Nope, I managed to go slightly crazy on caffeine tablets and diet coke. The come down hurt.
Reply 12
How on earth did you do that? :eek:

I thought you needed something crazy like 300 cups of coffee!

Lol. I had only had about 8 cups but I have my coffee about 4 times stronger than normal people :p:

Its the most horrible thing ever...sickness, spasms, extremely fast heartbeat, headaches, diziness, hallucinations. And lethargy...ironically.
Reply 13
i got really hyper on coffee once lol...i think i put like 5 teaspoons of coffee and MINIMAL water so its all thick and black (no sugar and no milk!) and i ended up laughing and singing to myself and annoyed friends down the phone for a few hours...and got no work done because of the hyperness! lol good use that was...
Reply 14
Nothing wrong with it, if i can do it im sure you can, and im a truly lazy sonofabitch. I usually stay away for the following day then im back in my routine when i go to bed the following night.
You'll be fine if it's just one night, but if you can try and get a 2 hour or so nap in the morning. It really helps to knock off the tiredness after an all-nighter, and trick your body that you've slept.
Yes, a one night all-nighter wont kill you. I did that for several days in a row with no sleep- not recommended for the amount of time that I did it for without any sleep but as it's only one night you shouldn't feel really exhausted the next day. I'd recommend drinking some pineapple juices or other during that time though as they are icetonic drinks. Aka they have natural sugars in them that provide lots of energy and raise your mood without damaging your health and mucking your body up like coffee or some type of pills do.

Is that a word you made up or did you mean isotonic?
Reply 17
You'll be fine if it's just one night, but if you can try and get a 2 hour or so nap in the morning. It really helps to knock off the tiredness after an all-nighter, and trick your body that you've slept.

No it bloody doesnt, not for me anyway. I had an all nighter a couple weeks back. It came to about 8am, felt really knackered and bored so decided to put my head down for a bit. I woke up4 hours later and felt so flucking sh**. You'll feel better just not going to sleep at all, then going back to your usual sleeping routine later that night.
Each to their own, you don't know unless you try it do you? It works for me but it doesn't for you, and it may work for the OP also :smile:. The "better" thing to do in any situation is what works best for the individual.
Reply 19
Each to their own, you don't know unless you try it do you? It works for me but it doesn't for you, and it may work for the OP also :smile:. The "better" thing to do in any situation is what works best for the individual.

Fair point, fair point.