The Student Room Group

Crack in retainer

I've had my retainer for a few months, and when I took it out to brush my teeth this morning I noticed a crack at the front of the bottom one. The crack isn't bad enough to cause it to be in two pieces, but I'm wondering if just the fact that there is a crack there will be enough to cause my teeth to start moving as there won't be the same force there.

I got it on the NHS, meaning I didn't have to pay, but I suppose I would have to pay for a replacement, right? Aughh..
Reply 1
I snapped mine pretty much in half (apart from the wire bit obviously) and my orthodontist repaired it for free for me. It's worth going in and asking!
Reply 2
Did they have to take a new mould and make a completely new one, or did they just fix your other one, i.e. by gluing it? :biggrin: I know that sounds a tad stupid, but it is only a small crack.
Reply 3
Hmm good question! If I remember rightly, they took a mould with me wearing the retainer and (it looks like) they cut out a section around the crack, then filled it back in with more plastic that they remoulded.

I had to go back there again though to have a bit filed down as it was jabbing into my gum!
Reply 4
I see! :smile: Thanks a lot! I'll phone them in the morning.
Reply 5
I was given a mould of my teeth when I got my retainer in case this happened.
I think it depends upon the type of break etc - when I had them, one set broke but they said they could be worn fine as two seperate pieces as the break was in a certain place.
Reply 7
I was given a mould of my teeth when I got my retainer in case this happened.

That's a good idea- shame they never did that considering my track record! :p:
Reply 8
I think it depends upon the type of break etc - when I had them, one set broke but they said they could be worn fine as two seperate pieces as the break was in a certain place.

Really? I wonder if mine might be ok then, considering it's not even broken.
Reply 9
It should be ok but you wouldn't have to pay for a replacement I don't think. :confused:
Reply 10
You've got nothing to worry about. I broke my braces (both train track/retainer) at least 8 times, including losing them once and never had to pay any extra (I was on the NHS - they weren't too impressed though.)
Reply 11
Haha- I just re-read it.. :biggrin:
Reply 12
Mine broke when I had one. Cracked right down the middle while it was in mouth. Oops! Anyway, see the orthodontist and tell him. I didn't have to pay to get a new one.
Really? I wonder if mine might be ok then, considering it's not even broken.

Yes - though as I said it was quite a clean break - I suppose it's a case by case thing. If its towards the end of the period with the retainer and you're due a new type of brace in soon, they may just put that in earlier. Of course the only person who can truly advise you is your orthodontist :smile:.
Reply 14
My Retainer Story:
Last Christmas, just before eating dinner, I took it out and folded a napkin loosely over it, as you do. Twenty minutes later, it was melted away after someone clearing the table as I wandered off to get another drink or something mistook it for, well, just a napkin and threw it in the fire.
Yes, the replacement had to be paid for, and when a tiny crippled boy peered at us through the window and exclaimed "Bless us, every one", I threw roast potatoes at him until he buggered off.
Here in 2019
Original post by quintsy
I've had my retainer for a few months, and when I took it out to brush my teeth this morning I noticed a crack at the front of the bottom one. The crack isn't bad enough to cause it to be in two pieces, but I'm wondering if just the fact that there is a crack there will be enough to cause my teeth to start moving as there won't be the same force there.

I got it on the NHS, meaning I didn't have to pay, but I suppose I would have to pay for a replacement, right? Aughh..

I got mine on the NHS as well I was told before I received my retainer that if your retainer breaks you can get a new one however you have to pay for a new retainer if you lose the old one. So you should be fine :smile:

Make sure you call your orthodontist though to confirm that your orthodontist will be ok doing this
I can imagine. I have to pay tho. I broke it twice now it's only a little crack. But you still need to repair it. I always have to pay.
Original post by kaploredo
I can imagine. I have to pay tho. I broke it twice now it's only a little crack. But you still need to repair it. I always have to pay.

why do you have to pay ? are you under 16?
Yes you will have to pay for a replacement, even though I got mine on the NHS, which is quite pricey but I guess it's worth it. My orthodontics were very rude when my retainer lost shape and blamed it all on me when it was their fault.