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Reply 1
I got some beats when I did bad (I mean bad) stuff. Made me a better person in my opinion.
Reply 2
Yeah my dad used to (still does sometimes) clout me over the head if I done something really bad. If he ever brought me in from outside for being bad I remember I always ducked my head down as I walked past him incase he hit me. I've noticed my little sisters do the exact same thing now.
Reply 3
Nah, apart from the odd slap from my maths teacher.
Reply 4
Yeah, but not really hard just a clip, my dad does it my brothers and used to, to me, but I wouldn't say its affected us :smile:
Reply 5
No, never been hit, ever by my parents.
Reply 6
Just asking as I remember my dad slapping me hard above the ears at the front of the head a few ties and im wondering if its the reason I have anxiety and go into thses moods/state of minds where its hard to do anything. How do I know if its caused physical damage or am I over reacting?

I cracked my head open when i was chasing my cat up the garden steps when i was a child. That was about it. Maybe that's the explanation for my curiosity of arses.
my parents never beat me about the head when i was younger, but i've taken plenty of knocks to the old noggin in my time. i'm surprised i've not got brain damage.
Reply 8
I got some beats when I did bad (I mean bad) stuff. Made me a better person in my opinion.
aye, same here.
Yeah my dad used to (still does sometimes) clout me over the head if I done something really bad. If he ever brought me in from outside for being bad I remember I always ducked my head down as I walked past him incase he hit me. I've noticed my little sisters do the exact same thing now.
I ducked once, got a kick up the back side! haha, never did that again
Yeah my dad used to (still does sometimes) clout me over the head if I done something really bad. If he ever brought me in from outside for being bad I remember I always ducked my head down as I walked past him incase he hit me. I've noticed my little sisters do the exact same thing now.

Reply 10
Yes, but it was an accident.
I was very small and playing in my playpen. One of the toys I had was a mallet and some pegs that you drive into another piece of wood. I threw my mallet out of the playpen. Mum threw it straight back and it hit me square on the forehead. I still have a dent there that you can see when I raise my eyebrows, and I'm 20 now!!
True story :p:
Reply 11
parents still do occasionally, never did me any harm.

No, never been hit, ever by my parents.

and your name is Lady Muck! :rolleyes:
Reply 12
I got dropped on my head as a baby. No joke.

Never been hit round the head though - the few times I was naughty/hysterical enough to warrant it I got a slap on the arm or thigh and shut up quite quickly. But I was an angel child.
Reply 13
No way! Absolutely not! Geeze and you're a girl too! If I got a spanking, it was on the bottom or a tap on the hand. No one ever smacked me on the head.
Reply 14
I used to get slapped on the bum or on the arm, but not over the head. That's just pure dangerous. It never did me any harm and I'd do the same to my children.
Not sure if on the head, but I was def smacked if I overstepped the mark. Taught me respect and my parents have the best relationship.

To the OP - heads can take some punishment. As long as the hitting wasnt too often or too hard, I doubt you suffered physcial damage.
Reply 16
Just asking as I remember my dad slapping me hard above the ears at the front of the head a few ties and im wondering if its the reason I have anxiety and go into thses moods/state of minds where its hard to do anything. How do I know if its caused physical damage or am I over reacting?

yeah, and most people raised pre-1990ish are a bunch of moody anxious people.
It would explain a lot...
Reply 18
AS IF it gave you emotional problems? a telling off didnt do no-one no harm. im sorry but if you were hurt emotionally from being hit by your parents then you were probably not very stable in the first place. it does the world of good, and is a great deterrent to not doing bad things again.
Reply 19
I got dropped on my head as a baby. No joke.

:ditto: I was in one of those baby bouncers that attaches to a doorframe. Mum asked her friend to take me out and didn't realise she had to tell him to hold me BEFORE unclipping the bouncer :rolleyes: