I'm a graduate from the ECA. I studied there for my BA (Hons) Illustration. The college is currently associated with Heriot Watt University but that is changing this year (or is it next year?) when it becomes part of Edinburgh University. The college has a good reputation and receives a high volume of applications, it can be difficult to get in (not necessarily a sign that it is any good of course!). I didn't do the foundation course there so I can't comment on that. What I will say is the college has a great atmosphere, friendly and inspiring and the majority of the tutors are also approachable and helpful. At the moment its all a little bit cramped but plans are underway to create new space for students. The written side of the course is well taught (although I hear people complaining all the time that it doesn't relate enough to their main subject). Relationships between different departments are sometimes lacking, as an Illustrator I did joint projects with the Graphics department only and saw the inside of Photography and Animation only when doing a two week elective (you get to pick another area of study and get set a project during that period). Some departments are also better organised (and it seems better funded) than others.
The building itself is beautiful and, of course, Edinburgh is an amazing place to study. As an ECA student when I was there we had limited access to the Edinburgh Uni facilites and I've never even been to Heriot Watt! The City librairies proved invaluable and the Modern Art Gallery and Dean Gallery were interesting to visit.
I'd suggest paying the college a visit and talking to students already studying there.