The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Caffiene is like any other drug... you get used to having certain levels of it and thus need more to affect you.. and feel you need it.. Same as giving up nicotene for example.. doable but hard.
i can easily survive without it! im hyper during the day, constantly without it, so god knows what ill be if i drank coffee/caffeine drinks!
Reply 3
i cant have caffine- no chocolate, tea, coffee, soda :frown: Allergic- poop :frown:
Reply 4

Coffee a day since I was about 13/14. Drove 15 minutes this morning to get some.

I've stopped my caffine intake for a week or two, but then I have a nice big coffee again and remeber how great it is
i cant have caffine- no chocolate, tea, coffee, soda :frown: Allergic- poop :frown:

yeah im allergic to chocolate too, but i still eat it! lol
I can't not have caffine. That is I can'tn't have caffine. Basically, I have to have caffine.
Reply 7
I can't not have caffine. That is I can'tn't have caffine. Basically, I have to have caffine.

Seconded. I drink way too much Diet Coke. I actually start shaking and feel really bad and moody if I haven't had any for a day or two, haha.
Reply 8

If I don't have my morning coffee. Its like a mini hangover >_<
Shakin? emm... that's a bit far. The worse is I've had 8 cans of coke in 3 hours when playing counter strike. :p: (and 3 cups of double espresso, on a different day)
Reply 10

Espresso's are mad. Especially Italian service station ones, thats what got me started :'( lol
Reply 11
caffiene is my best friend...especially diet coke
Reply 12
Makes me happy too! It makes me feel kind of itchy and nervous too though.:confused: