The Student Room Group
Reply 1
if you get an HIV test at a GUM clinic it is totally anonymous and confidential even your GP will not know unless you want him to... so the insurance company will never know... unless of course you tell them.
if you get an HIV test at a GUM clinic it is totally anonymous and confidential even your GP will not know unless you want him to... so the insurance company will never know... unless of course you tell them.

Coould you not just blag that though? "oh yeah, I had a test, really......*whistles*"
Reply 3
I wouldn't think it should affect health insurance. You get an AIDS test everytime you give blood!
Reply 4
The test itself doesn't affect anything.
It used to affect your insurance rating, I don't know if it does anymore though because of various anti-discrimination laws and whatnot. I'd still recommend going to the GUM clinic though rather than your GP as if you use your regular doctor it will be noted in your medical records.
Reply 6
It used to affect your insurance rating, I don't know if it does anymore though because of various anti-discrimination laws and whatnot. I'd still recommend going to the GUM clinic though rather than your GP as if you use your regular doctor it will be noted in your medical records.

Yes it *used* to. In the olden days health insurance companies used to ask 'have you ever taken a HIV/AIDS test' and if you answered yes they assumed you led a lifestyle that exposed you to a higher risk of contracting HIV (hence increasing premiums)- that question is now illegal, they're only allowed to ask you if you've ever tested positive for HIV/AIDS.