The Student Room Group

Coming off coffee

Well I finally decided that the volume of coffee I was consuming was probably bad for me. I was on anywhere between 8-12 cups a day, and over the last few weeks I've come off it almost completely (down to 2-3 cups a day cos I still really like the taste). The withdrawal symptoms seem to have stopped but I just feel really lethargic and I can't concentrate. Anyway, term starts in a couple of weeks and I think I might start up with the coffee again as I have a stupid amount of work to do. What do you think?

Reply 1
If you've managed to cut down so far, I'd really try not to go back. Get some multivitamin tablets and take those with water instead. The lethargy will go as soon as the coffee's totally out of your system.
if it's affecting your work and exams etc, i'd leave quitting till the summer to be honest.
I never really did daily exercise until last term, but since doing so I'm much less lethargic generally. I mean I was never chronically tired, but when you're sitting around all day you do tend to need artificial stimulants like caffeine to keep you going. If you do some exercise you enjoy quite regularly I reckon it'd boost your energy levels to the extent where you no longer feel the need for coffee. Also, if you like the taste of coffee but don't want all the caffeine then try de-caff.
Reply 4
if it's affecting your work and exams etc, i'd leave quitting till the summer to be honest.

This is what I've had to do - I just couldn't cope with all the headaches and shakiness while I'm trying to get through final year exams / dissertation / assignments, so I've given in and am going to give it up when I am mentally stronger lol!!!!! :biggrin:
If it makes you feel any better there is no definite evidence that exessive coffee consumption is good for you. There could be, just give it up gradually after exams; don't stop now if it affects your work too much.