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Reply 1
There will be some dodgy guy in your local market that can do it for a fiver.
Reply 2
bought a fone off ebay and its blocked :frown: how can i unblock it???? its only blocked from 02, but needs unlocking for other networks

what phone?
Reply 3
what phone?

nokia n70. . . . blocked on 02, problem is, 02 is the only network i want 2 use it on
Reply 4
If the phone is 'blocked' afaik the only way round it is to replace a part of the phone and then it isnt even definately going to work.

If the phone is 'locked' to a network - thats a different matter.

If blocked - contact ebay, the guy can get in a lot of trouble for selling a blocked phone, as its probably stolen.
Reply 5
you could also try posting in the right subforum:biggrin:
Reply 6
If the phone is 'blocked' afaik the only way round it is to replace a part of the phone and then it isnt even definately going to work.

If the phone is 'locked' to a network - thats a different matter.

If blocked - contact ebay, the guy can get in a lot of trouble for selling a blocked phone, as its probably stolen.

i put the sim card in and its not giving any netwok coverage. but i get 100% signal from my other phone.

this is the phone;

do i have any comeback as i though it was "locked" onto 02 so u could only use 02 sims unless it was unlocked ????????

Reply 7
It actually sounds like its blocked, and as such you can't use it.

The fact that its 'brand new' but not boxed makes it seem pretty dodgy.

I'd report him. See if you can reclaim the money through paypal.
Reply 8
Going from the listing, the phone just needs unlocking, not unblocking. A phone being blocked is totally different to a phone being locked xxxjase. Locked just means that it's locked to a network and needs an unlocking code, provided by your network for a ridiculous fee or being taken to a high street store or a market for between £5 and £10. Blocking means the phone's imei number is blacklisted and the phone cannot be used unless the imei is changed, which is illegal. Selling blocked phones isn't illegal though AFAIK so eBay can't do sod all unless the listing is misleading and says that the phone is working when it isnt. There's a complaints procedure that you can file through eBay and through paypal.

The seller has all positive feedback so there's no reason to distrust him, just e-mail him asking him again if it is just locked to 02 and not actually unblocked. Try another 02 sim in the phone as welll and see if it works if you have one. If it doesnt work then the phone is most likely blocked and report the user to eBay and get your money back.

Reply 9

do i have any comeback as i though it was "locked" onto 02 so u could only use 02 sims unless it was unlocked ????????

If it is truly 'blocked' you can leave negative feedback or report to eBay (try asking for money back first) for misleading listing. In no part does he mention it is blocked in the UK.
Reply 10
If its really "blocked" to all networks your in trouble...

Only way is to find who reported it as "stolen" then tell them to retract the statement, they are given a code or something to do that.

This can be a hassle, might be handed down a few times mate from orginal owner....
If you only want to use it on O2 and it's only locked to O2 as the listing said then it should work ok. If your SIM is working ok in your other phone (which you said it is) email the person you bought it off to say it doesn't work could well have been "blocked" in the past but that's not mentioned anywhere in the listing and as it's second hand now it would be v. hard for you personally to get it unblocked.
Reply 12

worked for my nokita 6100..

not sure about n70.. but take a look around the site.
The n70 cannot be unlocked remotely, only by the original network service provider. As TnV says - if it's just 'locked to O2' then another O2 SIM should work fine in the phone.
3 days old with no box? Sounds odd.
Reply 15
I may be wrong, but there's a chance it was stolen from a distrubutor or network retailer. That would explain why it's not globally blocked, just O2. If it was stolen from an O2 store (which is suprisingly common - someone once stole a 3510 from me (not even the "i" colour version) - bet they got about £5 for that!) But we ring and block it instantly, and it'll be globally blocked -but that's cus we run one of the schemes that blocks these phones globally, O2 don't, so I guess they could just block it on their own network (and service providers) - but I'm really guessing here, I know very little about O2 retail.

The fact that you don't get signal is unusual (AFAIK blocked nokia's display "Call not allowed" when trying to make a call, but otherwise appear healthy) - it could be faulty? Possibly a fault with the 900Mhz band on it? That's why all the other networks would work (except Vodafone, they're 900 as well - have you tried a Voda sim in it?).

Also, as law:tongue:ortal says, 3 days old without a box is really wierd - it also backs up the "grabbed from a shop display/rep while demo'ing idea.

Remember tho that the seller might not know it's dodgy... He is, however, breaking the law, not so much for the possession of it (although that too is illegal), but the selling is a big no-no.

Here's a few things you can try:

Register at club nokia with the IMEI - that'll show up if the handsets been flashed illegally because the IMEI won't match the model number.
Take out the battery and look at the IMEI sticker underneath. Somewhere on that sticker they'll be a small code, it should look something like this:

06W01 or 05W48

eg: "06W01" means nokia made the phone in 2006, week 1. and "05W48" means 2005, week 48... you get the idea.

It is very unusual for a retailer to sell a phone older than 3 months (for a start most phones only have a 15 month warranty - so in order for the retailer to repair it within their 12 month warranty, they need to sell it within 3 months of production - if you see what i mean?).

Hope that helps!
N70 cannot be unlocked.
I think.
Reply 17

worked for my nokita 6100..

not sure about n70.. but take a look around the site.

This stuff is pissing me off. Honestly, what good is providing that site? Posting unlocking links shouldn't be allowed here, most of the time it will just hardlock their phones.
Reply 18
N70 cannot be unlocked.
I think.

It can, but it is extremely difficult apparently.
Reply 19
Going from the listing, the phone just needs unlocking, not unblocking. A phone being blocked is totally different to a phone being locked xxxjase. Locked just means that it's locked to a network and needs an unlocking code, provided by your network for a ridiculous fee or being taken to a high street store or a market for between £5 and £10. Blocking means the phone's imei number is blacklisted and the phone cannot be used unless the imei is changed, which is illegal. Selling blocked phones isn't illegal though AFAIK so eBay can't do sod all unless the listing is misleading and says that the phone is working when it isnt. There's a complaints procedure that you can file through eBay and through paypal.

The seller has all positive feedback so there's no reason to distrust him, just e-mail him asking him again if it is just locked to 02 and not actually unblocked. Try another 02 sim in the phone as welll and see if it works if you have one. If it doesnt work then the phone is most likely blocked and report the user to eBay and get your money back.


Changing an IMEI in an N70? See, the part of your phone the contains your IMEI data is PROM. Changing the IMEI number is incredibly difficult and rare.