The Student Room Group

My mum

My mum shops too much :eek:. Is it normal to shop every day? You might be thinking how this is possible; she works nights. She buys food from Marks and Spencers all the time in town, if she's short of time she goes to Morrisions which is 2mins away from home. She has quite a few bags (around 7 I think), as well as shoes (around 5 pairs). She buys random things which are just not essential. For example, we already had a perfectly fine scale, but for some reason she recently bought a new one. Similarly she bought a sofa chair in the living room even though we already have a 3 seater sofa and a 2 seater sofa. But the grocery shopping seems to be a daily routine. It just frustrates me seeing her enter her car and going shopping every day. I don't know why, but it does.

I think the shopping habit might be because she works nights, therefore in the day she has nothing to do so she goes shopping. We all know shopping gives us this good feeling inside....

So should I be worried, should I grass her up to my dad?
Reply 1
Also this might be just me because I am a bit of a skanky person. My brother goes to Kumon and has tuition for one of his subjects (because he is a muppet), as well as guitar and drum lessons. So perhaps I'm worried about the money?
Reply 2
you are a guy - hense you dont understand the needs
Reply 3
the NEEEDDS!!!
Reply 4
ur mum sounds like shes skimping compared to mine lol.
Reply 5
the NEEEDDS!!!

ok, I'm sorry :redface:
I thought the thread was gonna say "has got it going on"
Reply 7
I thought the thread was gonna say "has got it going on"

sorry to disappoint :frown:
Does she do a little bit of grocery shopping at a time or loads? Some people think that if food has been in the house for more then a few days it must have gone off and so instead of doing a big weekly shop for food, they stock up everyday.

But as for the buying other stuff, many things in life are perfectly fine but if there is something prettier or nicer to be had, then it is a huge temptation to get it.

And 5 pairs of shoes REALLY isnt very many. I have about 10 and I go shopping about 4 times a year.
Reply 9
She has quite a few bags (around 7 I think), as well as shoes (around 5 pairs).

I wouldn't be worried about 5 pairs of shoes- I've got about 20. :rolleyes: Unless of course they were really expensive like £150 a pair. I know you can't exactly ask right out (well you could, but some parents might not think you need to know) if your parents can afford all this shopping, but you could maybe mention you're a bit worried that she seems to be spending a lot. However, I don't think it's a major problem, unless of course she's spending money on clothes etc and not leaving enough for food and bills. Maybe she just gets lonely in the day and likes to see people?
Reply 10
Schmokie Dragon
Does she do a little bit of grocery shopping at a time or loads? Some people think that if food has been in the house for more then a few days it must have gone off and so instead of doing a big weekly shop for food, they stock up everyday.

But as for the buying other stuff, many things in life are perfectly fine but if there is something prettier or nicer to be had, then it is a huge temptation to get it.

And 5 pairs of shoes REALLY isnt very many. I have about 10 and I go shopping about 4 times a year.

A bit of shopping every day.

5 pairs in the last year, I know it doesn't seem a lot, but she didn't used to buy so much (in general). It's just lately she has been shopping a lot...
Reply 11
(8)Mustard man's mom has goooot it going on(8)
Reply 12
Markus Angelsdaughter
(8)Mustard man's mom has goooot it going on(8)

cheers man