The Student Room Group

I can't believe it

I am in a total state of shock like I dunno how to react at all but today me and my bf who i am convinced is the love of my life and we ended breaking up I guess it was me that ended it but we were both pretty pissed off. He's never treated me as well as other guys would but thats never really bothered me. He wouldn't let me in at all he is grieving for someone I dunno if it's an ex or just a friend who died a year ago but he waas taking it all out on me and I couldnt take it so I tried to OD on thyroxine, metformin and painkillers butmy dad stopped me and when i told him he jus got mad and i got mad.

I'm jus at a total loss as to what to do really confused not even sure I want to be back with him but I do care about him a lot and don't want him to hurt like he is at the moment.

Any advice would be much appreciated, thank you.
Reply 1
sleep over it, you'll be more rational in the morning and can think things through better. You'll know what to do.
I agree, sleep on it. You must be feeling like crap, and you're obviously really hurting. Think it through properly and give yourself a chance to understand exactly how you feel and what's happened and you'll be able to make the right decision. Good luck :smile:
Reply 3
but why is he the love of your life if he doesn't treat u properly? if u really care about him, u can just call him and tell him how u r feeling. maybe u should try to do something so he concentrates on you more instead of thinking of someone or something else.
A phrase I heard recently applies here: don't give a temporary problem a permanent solution.

No guy is worth doing something extreme over. I know it might not seem that way at the moment, but I'm sure everything will work itself out in the end, it just needs a little time.
Reply 5
thnx 4 the feedback I feel extremely stupid for my OD thoughts but I'm still just as confused as to what to do I know that I don't want to chase him I think that would be demeaning so he'll have to come to me and apologise first! But I do need to make sure he's ok but i can't do that with out being in communication with him as we don't really have any mutual friends!! I'm gonna go mad!!
I'm really sorry to hear you're having a crappy time at the moment, but I think that it shouldn't be a case of playing games and waiting for him to call you.... If he is grieving for the loss of a friend, your od attempt could have brought up all sorts of feelings about death that he may not have been able to handle, what if you had died too? Imagine how that thought might have made him feel? I can see why he might have been angry, and I can see why you're upset that he was angry... but it sounds as though the both of you have a lot of stuff going on at the moment, so you need to be there for each other, admit to each other your shortcomings in the relationship and try and work them out... you seem to be grieving for the loss of his support as he is grieving for his friend... so you must have a little idea of some of the things he might be feeling...

Be there for each other :smile:
Reply 7
Give him some time then have a chat with him :smile:
Reply 8
If he has lost someone let him deal with it, dont break up with him because you can't get involved.
Reply 9
urgh i am such a looser!! I got quite drunk and let my m8 call him and now I dunno what they said coz I was so out of it and so was she so probably the only person who knows what was said is him!!! I really thought things couldnt have gotten any worse and yet again i've managed to proove that they can!!
Reply 10
Great.. lol
Reply 11
urgh i am such a looser!! I got quite drunk and let my m8 call him and now I dunno what they said coz I was so out of it and so was she so probably the only person who knows what was said is him!!! I really thought things couldnt have gotten any worse and yet again i've managed to proove that they can!!

Im confused, you think hes the love of your life yet you dont know enough about him to know who hes actually greiving over.
my ex was like that...shutting me out of his problems and when I have problems and I shut him out, he gets so pissed off. Girl, I will tell you this but it's up to you to listen or not: You don't have to take **** from ANYBODY.
Reply 13
i give up he can go stuff himself this is the last time he screws with my head! I am soooo stressed but I'm gonna calm down, I will force him out of my head and out of my life... his loss i guess coz i swear to god if i keep going like this i'm gonna end up actually taking that OD!!