The Student Room Group

Sheffield v Liverpool

Hey everyone!

I know this is another one of those "please give me advice" threads but I'd appreciate some input from you guys.

I've applied to do English this year and have got back two offers so I have to choose between Liverpool and Sheffield . I know what my preference is based on the open days but has anyone got any suggestions - which would you choose?

Thanks very much!!

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Reply 1
Reply 2
liverpool - i have a friend doing english there and she's loving it. plus u can't beat the city - capital of culture '08, 2 great theatres, great shops & nightlife. IMO
Reply 3
Liverpool, I love it!
Liverpool! I'm not sure what the courses are like at either of them, but I am at Hallam Uni and live over the water from Liverpool. IMO Liverpool is a much better city than Sheffield!!! So much more going on and the nightlife is amazing :smile:
Reply 5
Reply 6
Sheffield. I hate everything about Liverpool.
Reply 7

Reply 8
lol @ the above...
But yes, I would say Sheffield or clearing.
Reply 9
lol @ the above...
But yes, I would say Sheffield or clearing.

Clearing!? :eek: Are they really that bad? or is it some sort of joke that i dont get...
Reply 10
I would say Sheffield - it is far better than Liverpool for English (in my opinion). However, you could probably find something else during clearing or just ring up other unis on the day and see what it left - there is always a chance there may be something left at a good uni, especially if you get a good set of grades. Probably at the mo leave Sheffield as your firm, it's still a good uni with a good reputation and a nice city.
Reply 11
Thanks to everyone for replying so far - Sheffield was my first choice out of the two offers I've been left with. I'm not sure whether to trust going through clearing - most people have told me I'd end up at some fifth-rate place which I'm not going to risk.

The advice has been helpful though - it's good to get different perspectives on things.
Reply 12
sheffield does have an interesting looking course, albeit the actual city isn't up to much - the two ppl i know who went there dropped out coz they were depressed....tho they were studying subjects other than i can't comment for that... But yeah i personally would have chosen liverpool, as contrary to some of the comments here, it has an excellent reputation for english. i hardly think that suggesting clearing is sound advice.....:rolleyes: its a tough choice they're both good unis.
Reply 13
Sheffield seemed really run down when I visited and some knobhead nearly ran me over (his fault, not mine!) which I took as a sign...hehe. Personally I wouldn't have been happy at Sheffield. I think one of the main reasons it's lacking is because there's no real campus. People say that the whole city's a student campus but I just wasn't feeling it. The library building looked particularly horrible, though apparently they are getting a new one.
Reply 14
SHEFFIELD! Contrary to what quite a few people have said, i loved the place when I visited and can't wait to start my course... pretty sure it has a better reputation than Liverpool too.. and it has a great reputation overall.
Reply 15
Liverpooooool. It has the 3rd biggest square footage of nightlife in the country, only to newcastle and london.
Reply 16
ooh, big whoop. nightlife. :rolleyes:
Reply 17
I've lived in Liverpool all my life and i'm probably going to Sheffield in September. Liverpool is, in my opinion, one of the best cities in the UK. Manchester hilariously claims to be the "capital of the north", but is grey and un-inspiring compared to Liverpool. We have character, nightlife, great culture, beautiful architecture and interesting people.
However, students that i've talked to say they have found it difficult to settle down in the city, and have been made to feel unwelcome. Also, the "scallies" can be a bit dodgy with students at times. I wouldnt say it was an overly student-friendly city. Apart from that, you can't go wrong.
I'm going to Sheffield because I need a change of scene, and when i visited I loved the atmoshpere...was alot friendlier than Liverpool. I've also had amazing reviews from current and former students who rave about the place. Sheffield is so near to the countryside with is a huge plus, compared to Liverpool which just isn't. Personally, I think i'd rather be a student at Sheffield than at Liverpool.

Also I'm pretty sure Sheffield uni has a better reputation than Liverpool uni...seems to be placed higher in league tables (if you're interested in that kind of thing).
ooh, big whoop. nightlife. :rolleyes:

isn't nightlife and socialising aspect of uni one of the most important parts?
i picked leeds over sheffield because i thought the nightlife was better.
Reply 19
There's more to socialising than nightlife. One does not equal the other.

University societies, for example.

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