The Student Room Group


well since september in my college i saw this girl i thought i liked an i got to know her

we got on a lot bt she decided i was too good a friend to her and she didnt want to lose me if sumthing went bad in a relationship. we both were very close to takin it further bt well she was scared in losing me. an i still like her an its borderin on the "falling in love at first sight" idea

bt now there is another girl an i like her a lot an she av told me twice tha we both be friends bt well there is sumthin there and my friends have told me tha she seemd to focus on me more than any one else bt i dunoo.

i still bother with the first girl hell shes my best friend bt i dunno what i should do i dont want to lose eaither of them bt if i could i would b with the first bt what do you think i should do?

i thank you in advance for helping me
Do you really like the 2nd one or are you just settling for her because you can't have the 1st one. Realistically you gave the first girl the option and she said no, so it's not like you owe her anything (i.e. you shouldn't be worried about her reaction because it's nothing to do with her now).

If you're only going for the 2nd girl to occupy yourself because you can't have the 1st one that wouldn't be fair so if she does put the moves on you I'd tell her you're not interested in her in that way....
Try harder with the first one. Convince her you want her and are good enough for each other.
Reply 3

Don't just settle on the 2nd because you can't be with the first.
Reply 4
Maybe if you even expressed an interest in the 2nd girl, it'd prompt the 1st one to re-evaluate her position...

(That sounded rather too analytical!)
Reply 5
yeah maybe if you start being friendly with the 2nd one, the 1st one might realize she does want you after all...
Reply 6
ah thank you i think atm i am goin to be with the second one bt maybe in hakf term when we got break from end of our as levels to the start of a levels maybe i will be with my dream

thanks you have helped me a lot
Reply 7
It's so unfair to use the second girl to get the first if you don't like her! That's just cruel! If you like the second girl and have moved on from the first, it's fine, but otherwise it could get messy.
Reply 8
yea i know your right for last few months i been thinkin a lot about it an ijust wish she first shared with me it just maybe she does deep down an tha bt i just wanna be with hr in any capacaty even if its friends an i just dunno what to do