The Student Room Group

Doesn't want to hear from me while he's away??

I've been casually seeing a guy for a little while, in that we hook up whenever we're out and when we're apart we text back and forth the whole time. He goes away for weekends quite a bit (with the blokes I hope lol) but I've noticed that he never wants me to contact him while he's away and instead says things like "I'm off to Berlin for the weekend, I'll call you when I get back" implying he'd rather not hear from me while he's there.

Do you reckon it's because he's with the lads and doesn't want to be interrupted or because he's keeping his options open with other women and doesn't want me to ruin his chances with someone else? I don't mind if that's the case I'd just like to know where I stand that's all :smile: We're not "boyfriend and girlfriend". I don't feel I can ask him because it'll sound all "jealous gf" no matter how I phrase it. :rolleyes:
Reply 1
i think its just something you say sometimes..he may have been confused and said that instead of ill call you when i get there ~ but you maybe right, calirify with him?
Does he always go abroad? If so, it might be the simple fact that his phone doesn't work in other countries..?
Reply 3
See I would have thought that too except he says it every time he goes away (and he's off on his jollies round Europe most weekends). At first I slipped up and text a couple of times, and he didn't reply......reinforcing the whole "I don't want to hear from you while I'm away" thing.

It must be the fellas I meet, I had the same problem with a guy I was seeing about a year ago who travelled with work and would always "talk to me when he got back".

Reply 4
My last post sounded a bit odd and I can't edit it...curses to the Anonymous function.

What I meant to say was both of these guys are/were avid in my phone bill practically doubled and it just seemed strange that the silence fell whenever they went away. His phone does work overseas so it's not that. :frown:
Reply 5
ask him casually, dont think you'll be satisfied with any of the answers we can give you.
Reply 6

Costs more money to text and recieve texts from abroad.

And when you're off with the lads, you dont really wanna be interupted by the women : )
Reply 7
Maybe he just wants to enjoy his time away and not spend half of it texting? I've just started seeing someone and I said the same thing to him when I went away to Dublin for the weekend. I went with my friends so I just wanted to enjoy my time away without the worry of texting someone back/checking my phone every 10 mins. Plus texting abroad costs a hell of a lot, so its never worth it x
Reply 8
it does indeed cost a whole lot more to text from abroad, but if that was the real reason, I'm sure he would have just told you that it was because of the cost. he's not giving you a reason though, so I doubt it's the cost, that would be something he could easily explain.