The Student Room Group

RAF Intelligence Officer

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I am applying to the RAF and my primary choice is Intelligence Officer. I have already been to AFCO and will be going back for a presentation next month. However, I was wondering whether anyone here had applied for Intel and had any advice? I selected intel because my degree course [History] has basically been tailored to the history of British intelligence this past year or so, and I have recently completed a dissertation on Soviet espionage in the UK during the 1920's. Whilst this does not necessarly correspond with modern day MI, it has perked my interest in the whole world of espionage and intelligence and as a result had provoked my interest in the RAF [which, along with military matters in general, has been a hobby of mine for many years].

Any replies are extremly welcome. This means a great deal to me and I want to have any advantage that I can get for my filler interview/OACS.
Reply 1
For some reason I can't edit my post, but I would like to add the following:

I am interested in arranging a station visit to speak with an Intelligence Officer. I am presently in Sheffield so what would be the best option for me to take? If I went to the AFCO would they arrange one for me? I'd rather not be traveling too far around this important time of year [final exams ever!].
Reply 2
What about the Int Corps?
Reply 3
It's INT, not INTEL!

It's also got nothing to do with espionage. Your idea of arranging a station visit is ideal; you're probably getting on for equidistant between Leeming and Waddington.
Reply 4
Actually the Ops Spt(Int) branch does do a form of espionage via HUMINT, however, this aspect is not particularly large for the branch, and don't confuse it with 'film spying' ie James Bond stuff as it is more of a intelligence gathering role!!
Reply 5
Otherwise it seems a great branch but very competitive to get in.
Dont bother applying if youve got a foreign national step parent or have been to any strange countries such as thailand or China, aparently Africa is ok but not a 3 week hol in thailand...mmm. My best piece of advice for Int is check the eligibility requirements REALLY REALLY carefully and dont rely on the RAF to let you know you cant join until the last minute! Otherwise it seems a great branch but very competitive to get in.

I've heard rumours you may be asked some very personal questions too. A sex CV if you like :redface: It's due to the fact that they don't want characters who may get themselves into a spot of bother and liable to blackmail/corruption. Only heard it as a rumour though so may be completely untrue.
Reply 7
Considering I have not owned a passport since I was 16, I should be OK. Seems very strict though.
Reply 8
just speculating though beofre anyone gets crsos with an opinion like that!
Reply 9
spunk trumpet
I've heard rumours you may be asked some very personal questions too. A sex CV if you like :redface: It's due to the fact that they don't want characters who may get themselves into a spot of bother and liable to blackmail/corruption. Only heard it as a rumour though so may be completely untrue.

There is a questionnaire like that for mi5, my friend thought it was a joke at first (she was applying).

Questions like, How many times a week do you have sex etc :smile:
It's called Developed Vetting. They do indeed ask very 'personal' questions that you might otherwise consider to be 'private'. In general, this is done to assess your potential for blackmail, if you are going for a post which is likely to have access to particularly sensitive material. The general advice is be honest, most things that you own up to won't be a problem, and the vetting staff will have heard them before. However, if you don't mention them at interview, and they are later found out - then you lose your clearance, and job instantly.

So when the nice middle aged man conducting your interview, all cosy in the living room at home, suddenly asks you if you have ever made love to an animal .........don't be suprised!
Reply 11
Long time lurker, first time poster.

I selected intel because my degree course [History] has basically been tailored to the history of British intelligence this past year or so,

I don't wish to be rude but the ONLY rational reason for joining a particular trade in the RAF is that you actually want to do the job for a good few years and not because you have achieved a qualification in a certain area.

Make sure you look at all of the options available to you before making your final decision.
Reply 12
I don't wish to be rude but the ONLY rational reason for joining a particular trade in the RAF is that you actually want to do the job for a good few years and not because you have achieved a qualification in a certain area.

Make sure you look at all of the options available to you before making your final decision.

I don't understand how my original post could have been misinterpreted to such an extent, but the simple truth is that I want to be an Intelligence Officer in the RAF and, as far as I'm concerned, it is something that I would like to do for the rest of my life. There is no need to question my motivation at this stage and I guess it was my fault for not expressing myself properly in the original post. :smile:

This vetting actually sounds quite interesting and I hope I get far enough for them to actually ask me those types of questions! :wink:
Reply 13
Hello, I was searching through the old articles, this one in particular caught my eye as i am indeed a Intelligence Officer, I am currently work/based at RAF Digby in Lincolnshire. Unfortunately because of the harsh secrecy of the job, not the actual job but what we do as a job, I can't give much more away to what these people have told you. I would really like to know how you got on, if you are still active?
If you are still looking for advice about this role then please e-mail me and i will tell you all I allowed to say outside of official interviews
Original post by leachy2011
Hello, I was searching through the old articles, this one in particular caught my eye as i am indeed a Intelligence Officer, I am currently work/based at RAF Digby in Lincolnshire. Unfortunately because of the harsh secrecy of the job, not the actual job but what we do as a job, I can't give much more away to what these people have told you. I would really like to know how you got on, if you are still active?
If you are still looking for advice about this role then please e-mail me and i will tell you all I allowed to say outside of official interviews

Wow - you must be a legend.
Original post by leachy2011
Hello, I was searching through the old articles, this one in particular caught my eye as i am indeed a Intelligence Officer, I am currently work/based at RAF Digby in Lincolnshire. Unfortunately because of the harsh secrecy of the job, not the actual job but what we do as a job, I can't give much more away to what these people have told you. I would really like to know how you got on, if you are still active?
If you are still looking for advice about this role then please e-mail me and i will tell you all I allowed to say outside of official interviews

How does the new Aston run?
Given the poster you mention hasn't been on here in 3 years, your wait for a reply may be a while. Are you sure you are an IntO?
Reply 17
Original post by ProStacker
Given the poster you mention hasn't been on here in 3 years, your wait for a reply may be a while. Are you sure you are an IntO?

That, coupled with the typos and the grammar issues makes me either think Chicksands has gone downhill, or someone's telling some porkies.
Reply 18
Hi leachy, I realise this thread is a few years old now but I've just read your post above as I'm looking to join the RAF as an Intelligence Officer and would really appreciate any advice you could give me for the interview and selection processes? I've done a fair amount of research already but I'm lacking knowledge around the role itself ie. interview questions related to the role. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Henry
Original post by hen701
Hi leachy, I realise this thread is a few years old now but I've just read your post above as I'm looking to join the RAF as an Intelligence Officer and would really appreciate any advice you could give me for the interview and selection processes? I've done a fair amount of research already but I'm lacking knowledge around the role itself ie. interview questions related to the role. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Henry

Henry, other threads detail most of the information you want, there's not a huge amount to be said openly which helps you, actually, because it means they can't ask too much in an interview! Things like where you might be posted, what parts of the RAF you might work for are quite easy to find.

The selection process is identical to that of every other officer!