The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Maybe if you just invited him round for dinner and he charmed her then she'd be more easily convinced that he'd be a good influence to have around the house.
Reply 2
Perhaps a few days is a little too long a time. How about for just a day?
Reply 3
I'm assuming the few days is because the boyfriend was met at uni and lives a fair distance away?
Reply 4
you have got to try and find a compremise so as suggested change what you have asked for into just a day or night. then say youll work.... otherwise go to his!!
Has she met him before? If not, maybe you could invite him over for dinner so that thye could meet properly?

If they have, and her main worry is that you won't get any work done, then work all day every day for a week, and then you can have some off-time when he comes over. :smile:

All about compromise I think...