The Student Room Group


Im 20, really thin but I can a bit of cellulite on my bum lol, why won't the fat just spread around:mad: Is this normal at 20? Does anyone have it? How can I get rid of it any particular excersises?

Reply 1
I don't know if there are exercises to get rid of it but you could exfoliate with cocoa butter. One of my friends said she had cellulite and got rid of some of it by using some Avon anti-Cellulite products.

Don't eat chocolate unless you wata cellulite city all over ur arse.
Reply 2
I don't know if there are exercises to get rid of it but you could exfoliate with cocoa butter. One of my friends said she had cellulite and got rid of some of it by using some Avon anti-Cellulite products.

Don't eat chocolate unless you wata cellulite city all over ur arse.

Ok thanks, im always eating chocolate, plus its easter lol.
Reply 3
Loads of people have it, it doesn't mean you're too fat or anything.

They sell anti-cellulite rollers for €10 which work very well. Doesn't last though, it comes back.
Reply 4
yeh i would say pretty much every 20 year old who isn't a complete stick insect probably has a little bit. apparently using a body brush on the area encourages it to break down (or something like that)

lou xxx
Reply 5
I'm quite thin too and have some. I also do loads of sport, I think it's just bad luck to be honest.
but don't worry, as long as you are fit and healthy it shouldn't get out of control and most guys don't notice it if it's just a bit. we are far to critical of our bodies, lol.
there I am worrying about one little stretch mark, when the guy i fancy has a beer belly. seriously, don't take your appearance too seriously, lol.