The Student Room Group
Are you ok about it because you think it might be a good idea but you still want it to work out, or are you ok about it because you don't really want to be in the relationship anyway?
If she wants a break then give her a bit of space...maybe call her in a few days, asking her if she's ok, if there's anything you can do? Maybe it's a family death or some situation like that. Sounds like it will only be a temporary break.
Reply 3
Are you ok about it because you think it might be a good idea but you still want it to work out, or are you ok about it because you don't really want to be in the relationship anyway?

im not sure really. as i said im confused. but i did really enjoy being single when i was and have kinda been missing it recently... i dunno. :frown:

If she wants a break then give her a bit of space...maybe call her in a few days, asking her if she's ok, if there's anything you can do? Maybe it's a family death or some situation like that. Sounds like it will only be a temporary break.

She says she still wants to talk etc but atm there is a lot of pressure about A-levels as u guys prob know but also her parents aren't being very supportive and she has a crap job which they wont let her quit.
That may be it....she needs your continued support but just at a distance, kind of nothing in return support.

Even though you say you've been "kinda missing" being single...try and think about it, kinda missing being able to flirt or losing a relationship that could recover...

I'd wait it out and see how she feels in a few weeks. but be there for her over the next few weeks, let her know you care and are there