Basically, over the last three years my lifestyle has revolved around alcohol. I was becoming a rather heavy drinker when I went to uni, and got to the stage last term when I was drinking in the region of 35 units a night. I always knew of the bad effects it was having on me but believed the confidence I gained from it in terms of getting girls, as well as the social side of hanging out with fellow bingers balanced these out. But the negatives have started outweighing the positives and have decided to cut down drastically- for good. I'm to limit myself to four drinks a night, and drink a maximum of three nights per week. I've written the following reasons about why I would be better without booze, and how it is generally a negative thing.
Produces oestrogen and inhibits muscle growth
Hangovers ruin whole of next day- Horrible feeling so can't study or work out.
Chance of becoming alcoholic
Reduces chances of pulling if plastered
Offend random people or friends
Reputation of a drunk
Ruins complexion
Liver damage
Lowers semen count
Can anyone think of any more to add to the list of shame?