The Student Room Group

Changing booze lifestyle

Basically, over the last three years my lifestyle has revolved around alcohol. I was becoming a rather heavy drinker when I went to uni, and got to the stage last term when I was drinking in the region of 35 units a night. I always knew of the bad effects it was having on me but believed the confidence I gained from it in terms of getting girls, as well as the social side of hanging out with fellow bingers balanced these out. But the negatives have started outweighing the positives and have decided to cut down drastically- for good. I'm to limit myself to four drinks a night, and drink a maximum of three nights per week. I've written the following reasons about why I would be better without booze, and how it is generally a negative thing.

Produces oestrogen and inhibits muscle growth
Hangovers ruin whole of next day- Horrible feeling so can't study or work out.
Chance of becoming alcoholic
Reduces chances of pulling if plastered
Offend random people or friends
Reputation of a drunk
Ruins complexion
Liver damage
Lowers semen count

Can anyone think of any more to add to the list of shame?
Reply 1
It costs money!
Reply 2
eeeerm if u drink too much u smell like a brewery n that's not good for the people around u cos it's gross?
I'm 21 and currently on medication for my stomach due to damage caused by drinking, there's another reason for you.
Basically, over the last three years my lifestyle has revolved around alcohol. I was becoming a rather heavy drinker when I went to uni, and got to the stage last term when I was drinking in the region of 35 units a night. I always knew of the bad effects it was having on me but believed the confidence I gained from it in terms of getting girls, as well as the social side of hanging out with fellow bingers balanced these out. But the negatives have started outweighing the positives and have decided to cut down drastically- for good. I'm to limit myself to four drinks a night, and drink a maximum of three nights per week. I've written the following reasons about why I would be better without booze, and how it is generally a negative thing.

Produces oestrogen and inhibits muscle growth
Hangovers ruin whole of next day- Horrible feeling so can't study or work out.
Chance of becoming alcoholic
Reduces chances of pulling if plastered
Offend random people or friends
Reputation of a drunk
Ruins complexion
Liver damage
Lowers semen count

Can anyone think of any more to add to the list of shame?

It can eventually kill you, alienate family members, ruin lives.

I think that given the high intake you need to reduce your intake rather more severely so you know you are not an alcoholic already.
I drink too much too. Not as much as 25units a night at the most, but always around that number. And i also think maybe I should stop drinking so much, as Im not even at uni yet!!
It's a bad thing, because when youre old you'll remember more if you didnt drink so much in your youth
brewers droop
makes you fat/beer belly
not great for your complexion
Reply 7
makes you fat! who wants a beer belly?
Well done to you for recognising that you have a problem and doing something to sort it out : ) Really, well done.
Reply 9

destruction of brain cells.

wastes money.
Brain Damage
Long-term alcoholics also lose bone mass as alcohol affects the way calcium is processed by the body

Just give up on the whole, alchohol isn't any good and it doesn't make you anti-social, plus it's a good way to start a conversation :tongue:
Reply 11
mate get a life and get pissed

its cool

i am now

just quit when the time is right man

get a life and get pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't listen to this guy. My mother died due to the effects of alcoholism. The gravity of your choice is very stark indeed! Alcohol can cause massive damage!
Inhibits synapse so you have slower reactions hence when driving you could potentially be a killer. You arent as sharp, for example you could pick up a girl from a night club and find out she's underage =) bang paedo slapped on your name. Prolonged alcohol intake = alcohol poisoning erm.. cant think of anything else.
gratz mate. Ive tried to cut down and cant do it and ive managed 2 quit smoking!!! Its not easy but its worth it!
the whole dying young one is quite a gd 1 I think. My dad is 50 this year and has been told he will have a stroke in 6months if he doesnt stop drinking.