The Student Room Group

relationship dilemma

ok this is a long story but i'll cut it short!

Background: current g/f nearly 3 yrs not really working to well l8ly alot of arguing dont think it will last until uni at the end of the summer!

Situation: me and another girl (very gd friends dont wanna give up the friendship) both like each other and know it although havnt fully admitted to it!

what do i do? dump the g/f and try with the other girl? just tell the other girl how i truly feel and see what happens or just leave it as it is?
talk it over FIRST
Reply 2
If you want to end your relationship with your current girlfriend, then end it. There's no point staying in a relationship for how it used to be.

As for this other girl - don't declare your love straight away after breaking up with your current girlfriend, because I wouldn't have thought that either girl would look upon you favourably for it.

Just take things slowly and enjoy the ride :smile: