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Reply 1
i think people talk crap when there drunk, i wouldnt call it the "truth" but ya never know. mayb she is using him jus to get at you. is she really worth it, if you make it look like it doesnt bother you she will get bored.
Reply 2
I would not say that its necessarilly the truth, you do however tend to say things that you have been holding back eg.You really like a certain girl. Then again people do all sorts of things when drunk, that they dont mean to do, so y not to read too much into it.

Guess what I have said is of little use, sorry :frown:
Reply 3
last time i was drunk i told my bf i had child-bearing hips and was a baby machine who would just pop babies out without getting fat.

that is a blatant lie. i know for a fact that when i get pregnant i will sit on my arse and eat. All. Day. Long.

moral of the story is: no, people also tell lies when they are drunk.
Reply 4
i think in this case she was telling the truth sober. that sounds like a sincere emotion when she said she regrets losing her friends. sometimes when i am drunk i say things i dont have the courage to say sober, but most of the time i talk a load of crap that i dont mean or believe. i think this is what your friend may be doing when she says she hates you. if she said she misses you in a geniune conversation when she confided in someone who knows you both well, i would be inclined to believe those feelings slightly more than what she says when she's drunk and brash. maybe give it another go having a talk to her about it, tell her you know what she said to her mutual friend and try and bury the hatchet?
Reply 5
But the thing is its always someone else who has to make the effort to even ask her whether she wants it sorted and to me this just seems like she doesn't actually want to sort it out and that she's only saying it to get attention (she is a renowned sorry cant spell, attention seeker) and I jsut think if she actually meant it then she'd do something about it cos I've given her every opportunity and she doesn't bother or make an effort.

maybe the attention seeking is part of it but she finds it harder to talk to you? not knowing if you will forgive her etc especially as she keeps digging herself into a deeper hole? i would give it one last go, say you know that things have messed up between you but you are willing to get over it because you value your friendship and would like her to do the same, but if not can she stop bad mouthing you and wasting her energy on hate so you can both cut your ties and move on? you may feel its unfair that you are making the effort but if you put it all on a plate for her so she can make a decision she cant run away and leave things as they are. if she doesnt want to make up and just carry on slagging you off to get other people's attention then she is immature and you are better off leaving her to it, hard as that may be.
Reply 6
I think when you are drunk you just get the courage to say it a lie or a deep dark secret.
Reply 7
Agree with the above. Usually that means you are extra mean or extra nice, as there is nothing stopping you (conscience?) from saying what you really think.
Reply 8
To be honest I don't think it matters which is true in this situation - your 'friend' seems to be saying different things to different people to either keep the peace or ensure she retains the friends she till has. It doesn't seem to matter to her that your boyfriend is YOUR boyfriend - any friend of yours wouldn't dream of going with another friend's boyfriend, present OR ex. You're better off without her darl, you're moving on and she's still complicating things by either slagging you off or telling mutual friends she misses you. Both ways she playing people off, you're better than that x
Reply 9
You say things you wouldn't normally say - but not necassarily the truth.
I lie when im drunk.
Reply 11
I told my head of yr that i loved her when i got wasted on a school trip to russia. But i dont love her, so not always the truth :wink:
I'd say a lot of people tend to tell lies more when they are drunk. So quite the opposite really.

Although drinking maybe does give you the confidence and maybe relaxes you into telling someone, or doing something you wouldn't normally do.
Reply 13
I think you talk your mind more when you're drunk because you're not scared of the repurcutions. "Oh I might aswell say it now because I won't remember in the morning" or as I like to use drunkness as an excuse. "I only said it because I was drunk."
I just get really hyper when I'm drunk but I always want to tell people intimate details about myself anyway so I'm not much of a judge. A friend of mine does tell the truth though, apart from being completely dazed at one point saying "I can control time!" (He's a Brummie, it makes it all the more hilarious), he asked me "Do you think I need a girlfriend?" and I could tell beforehand this is something that had been bothering him but he just didn't have the courage to talk to me about it, so there you go.

As for you're friend, I imagine pride has a pretty high part in it for her, she doesn't want to loose face and admitting she wants you as a mate again to you would mean you had the upper hand. I reckon if you get her on her own and talk to her seriously, eventually she'll come around one way or the other, then at least it will be sorted out.
A drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts... :smile:
Reply 16
A drunk mans words are a sober mans thoughts... :smile:

Reply 17
I disagree: people change when drunk, literally. Most become hornier, some bitchier, some more depressed etc. So what you are saying is basically being said by a different person.
I disagree: people change when drunk, literally. Most become hornier, some bitchier, some more depressed etc. So what you are saying is basically being said by a different person.

That's a massive sweeping statement, people differ a lot! Not everyone is 'basically' a different person...

Depends how drunk you are as well
Reply 19
I can still think to myself of what I must keep secret and I do keep it sealed, even if really really wasted.