The Student Room Group

HELP please

last night two of my best friends went to one of my friends brothers party. One of them just called me up and told me that they both got extrememly extremely drunk and the other one had sex with this guy.
She is a virgin, has a boyfriend and is REALLY not the person who would do this. I am stil in shock.
However my freind told me not to tell anyone and pretend I don't know, but im really worried about her.
Im pretty sure shes told another one of my freinds (whos she known her whole life).
Also are clinics open on easter day?
Oooops, i bet that'll put her off drinking forever. Whether she is the sort of person to do that or not, its done now and can never be changed. Do whatever you can but to help, but when its concerning her relationship with her boyfriend, dont get involved as its up to her to talk to him. I hope she's honest with him and i hope he isnt too much of an idiot and realises it was a mistake, it'll be hard for him inevitably.
I dunno if clinics are open, give em a ring!
Reply 2
i thought clinics didnt open on a sunday fullstop let alone holidays