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Reply 1
I have it.
Reply 2
Yeah i had a blood test - wasn't anaemic.
3 months later had another one - was aneamic.
Reply 3
Believe it or not, you're tired all the time because you sleep so long. Try cutting those 12 hours to 8 or 9 and see how you feel the rest of the day. I know it must sound like the opposite should be true, but the longer you sleep, the less energy you have. I would also recommend you start up an exercise program.

Good luck. :smile:
Reply 4
Excessive tiredness could indicate any of these: M.E., a strain of it is chronic fatigue's what I have but it tends to occur after a virus like glandular fever (my case) or a lengthy operation, inactive thyroid (could explain the need for sugar, and weight gain), lupus, lyme disease or it could just be simply stress related! If your sleep is totally unrefreshing and your too tired to walk you should see a doctor and get all of these blood tests. P.M. me if u got any q's.
Reply 5
Hi I know how you feel! I came back to uni a week early this week and havent even left my halls for a walk! I do nothing all day, and I'm beginning to see the effects of laziness! I am lethargic and uncomfortable throughout the day and gain energy as the night goes on, leaving me unable to sleep until 4am usually! Then I find it physically impossible to get up out of bed until at least 12pm and by physical I mean I can hardly move in bed with tiredness!

My suggestion is to keep active. Go for a few walks during the day and try to get into a pattern. I know revision time is the peak at which this tiredness occurs and I think the sleepiness is brought on by a lack of motivation (for me anyway!) and both compliment each other to make you feel like crap! Avoid coffee aswell...

Less sleep is more sleep imo. 8 hours is max for me. During term time 6 hours sleep was average and I was so energetic. Now, having done hardly any exercise 6 days in since I came back to my uni body is turning into a depressed lump!

Reply 6
I can easily sleep as long as you do and not get up, but what I have is not anaemia or anything like that, I think it's called laziness.

The best way hands down to get up is when you are awake is to just think on the count of 3 I am jumping out of bed, kinda like working yourself up to taking a bungee when you are scared ****less of heights and jumping on 3. And then stay out of bed once you have done it. Do not go back!!!

Also what works for me somewhat is to set my radio to turn on in the morning and then when it does and wakes me up, I listen to the radio for a bit to make me a bit more alert so getting up becomes easier, but the bungee jump on 3 method is still the best.
Reply 7
Excessive tiredness could indicate any of these: M.E., a strain of it is chronic fatigue's what I have but it tends to occur after a virus like glandular fever (my case) or a lengthy operation, inactive thyroid (could explain the need for sugar, and weight gain), lupus, lyme disease or it could just be simply stress related! If your sleep is totally unrefreshing and your too tired to walk you should see a doctor and get all of these blood tests. P.M. me if u got any q's.

Hah, I very much doubt it's Lyme Disease [unless you've been spending a lot of time around deer recently]. If it was you would know all about it.
Reply 8
go straight for a run once you've waken up, come back and have a shower and some food, then straight to revision - thats my strategy and I can sleep for a long time too
The best way hands down to get up is when you are awake is to just think on the count of 3 I am jumping out of bed, kinda like working yourself up to taking a bungee when you are scared ****less of heights and jumping on 3. And then stay out of bed once you have done it. Do not go back!!!

Also what works for me somewhat is to set my radio to turn on in the morning and then when it does and wakes me up, I listen to the radio for a bit to make me a bit more alert so getting up becomes easier, but the bungee jump on 3 method is still the best.

This is exactly what I do, and trust me it works - I've been known to waste entire days sleeping in bed. I thought there was something wrong with me to be so tired all the time. Anemia, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, you name it I've researched it and been tested. But then I found out that being tired like this is normal, and that most people feel more energised after doing a bit of exercise! It's wierd - the more energy you use, the more you have? It works, sorta.

It will take a lot of will power to keep away from bed also, but getting into a routine will help and hopefully for you it'll become second nature to jump out of bed and pretend to be energetic. :wink: Pretend to have energy then this will manifest itself and you will magically have more zing! (I'm serious). :eek:
Reply 10
This is exactly what I do, and trust me it works - I've been known to waste entire days sleeping in bed. I thought there was something wrong with me to be so tired all the time. Anemia, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, you name it I've researched it and been tested. But then I found out that being tired like this is normal, and that most people feel more energised after doing a bit of exercise! It's wierd - the more energy you use, the more you have? It works, sorta.

It will take a lot of will power to keep away from bed also, but getting into a routine will help and hopefully for you it'll become second nature to jump out of bed and pretend to be energetic. :wink: Pretend to have energy then this will manifest itself and you will magically have more zing! (I'm serious). :eek:

That's excellent advice - as much as I hate this expression - 'fake it 'til you make it'. I have hypersomnia as a result of some meds I am taking. One of the things I do is keep some body shop face spray beside my bed to revive me in the morning.
Reply 11
I'm not sure why no one has suggested his, but other then anaemia, you might have diabetes.

Lethargy or prolonged fatigue is a symptom of the disease.

I don't want to scare you, but I just feel you should be aware.
did you know :students that wake up earlier perform better at school because it takes a couple of hours for your brain to fully awake - wake up earlier! too much sleep in bad for you....

btw im anaemic too, so i just end up drinking tea to wake me up :|
Reply 13
Yes, do the blood test ASAP. They can give you results in 10 minutes, and determine whether you have diabetes/anaemia/thalassemia.
Reply 14
Well, I'd get it checked out and get the blood tests etc first before you start leaping around at god knows what time in the morning.
Reply 15
Thanks, I will see a doc. I try to play some sports but am totally knackered after about ten min, and a couple months ago I was in several sports teams. I've really gone downhill! I have gained a lot of weight recently. Like, a stone!

Please dont fall into the trap of thinking you have ME, (or blood problems) there are to many hypochondriacs who think thats they are doomed before they change there lifestyle. (and from what you've already said its that)
It more than likely diet, and irregular sleeping patterns.

If you are eating an excessive amount of sugar that cannot help. (u said u eat to much) If your body is having to recover from sugar highs and lows, and poor sleeping patterns, coupled with lack of vitamins, its going to cause problems.

Rule out life style and food before you even consider ME. Its todays fad illness.

A good suggestion before you consult a doctor is to start getting up at least 5 times a week at a set time, eating a healthy breakfast, and drinking lots of water, have a good meal in the evening with carbs and vegatables. That should provide the energy and vitamins you need. Try to go to sleep at a reasonable time say midnight, and maybe gets some extra vitamins and minerals. Also exercise is very important. Get fresh air and go walking, this will make you feel tired late at night. (the reason you cant get to sleep at a reasonable time is lack of exercise)
You will feel better.

If that has no improvement on you, then consult your doctor.
Reply 16
Where's that? At my doc's you have to wait for a week!

Well when I enlisted in the military, we had to undergo mandatory medical screening. The medics at the counter pricked my finger, took a small sample, ran some tests on it, and returned with the results in a matter of minutes.

I'm pretty sure it isn't only the military which has the technical know-how for that. :biggrin:
Reply 17
^^ no it's not. I was taken to hospital once to be tested for diabetes/anaemia, etc and once they'd done a finger prick test the results were through in minutes. Easy.
Reply 18
In one ear out the other.
Reply 19
You might also lack iron in your diet. Try eating apples and any other foods which contain large quantities of Iron.