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long distance love!

distance in a realationship can make things ever so hard. e.g sharing your efection for the person, taking them out etc... im 16 and i have a girl friend that is 17 she lives in wales and i live in england. she is currently in collage, and i have been kicked out of school. i told her that i would wait for however long it takes before we can be together for longer than like 2 weeks ever 3 months etc like how it is at the moment. but the problem with this is what happens if she realy needs me to be there, but im not and the only person there for her is some other guy, the problem is what do i do? do i risk my future with her "follow the perants etc" and go to collage, uni for 4-5 years, or risk my future with my life "follow my heart" and be happy and be with the person that makes me happy and hole, and make a life there with her?
Everything will come together but get your education 'n' stuff over with. Then your a free man.:biggrin:
C'mon give the man some help?!
Reply 3
Wales - England long distance? I used to go to school in England from Wales everyday, only took me about 5mins.
I guess it depends where you live in England or Wales :rolleyes:.
If the only person needs you and you are a long distance away, it doesn't matter. What matters is that she loves you and you love her. It can work. And as for another guy being there - well...can she have other guy friends?

I know from personal experience, that, I can look at other guys and all I think about is who I'm with. I guess that just proves my feelings. Sometimes it can be hard when all you want is a cuddle from the person who your with and you can't have it. But they are always a phone call or a text away.

Go to uni, live your life, she lives hers. Make time to see each other, and when you do meet up - you won't stop talking! Seriously! I don't know what people who live so close and see each other so much talk about!

Then, if it all works out, you will have a concrete relationship in the future.
It can't go on like that forever. Soon you'll end up drifting apart, whether you like it or not. And that's the most painful thing to do.
It can't go on like that forever. Soon you'll end up drifting apart, whether you like it or not. And that's the most painful thing to do.

That is complete rubbish!!!!!!!!!!!!! What do you know anyway???? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm well that was stupid.........
If the only person needs you and you are a long distance away, it doesn't matter. What matters is that she loves you and you love her. It can work. And as for another guy being there - well...can she have other guy friends?

I know from personal experience, that, I can look at other guys and all I think about is who I'm with. I guess that just proves my feelings. Sometimes it can be hard when all you want is a cuddle from the person who your with and you can't have it. But they are always a phone call or a text away.

Go to uni, live your life, she lives hers. Make time to see each other, and when you do meet up - you won't stop talking! Seriously! I don't know what people who live so close and see each other so much talk about!

Then, if it all works out, you will have a concrete relationship in the future.

oooooo your from Norfolk! :eek:. I might know you :rolleyes:.
Reply 9
It can't go on like that forever. Soon you'll end up drifting apart, whether you like it or not. And that's the most painful thing to do.

thats a load of rubbish. if you really liked eachother you'd make it work.
me and my boyfriend love eachother and we have a long distance relationship and weve been going out for 20th now and we havnt drifted apart in anyway.
he does go to a uni which is closer to me than where he actaully lives so that helps mean i get to see him just about every week now :biggrin:
Reply 10
My brother and his girlfriend are on opposite sides of the Atlantic and they've been going fine for a few years now. If that's possible, England/Wales should be easy. :smile:
Reply 11
ldr is hard, thats for sure.. i've had the experience, still going thru it.. my bf's on the opposite side of the indian ocean, 4 hrs time difference, really sucks.. but i'll tell u this.. if u truly love ur gf, and ur willing to wait for however long it take for u to b together, then go for ur uni. it'd be a waste to skip uni n maybe even find out that she's not really the one for u (no hard feelings, bt its a possibility).. plus england/wales, surely you can see each other every 3-4 months or more often? i get to see my bf once every 6 mths, and its been almost 2 years.. it can work if ur ready to make it work! =)
ldr is hard, thats for sure.. i've had the experience, still going thru it.. my bf's on the opposite side of the indian ocean, 4 hrs time difference, really sucks.. but i'll tell u this.. if u truly love ur gf, and ur willing to wait for however long it take for u to b together, then go for ur uni. it'd be a waste to skip uni n maybe even find out that she's not really the one for u (no hard feelings, bt its a possibility).. plus england/wales, surely you can see each other every 3-4 months or more often? i get to see my bf once every 6 mths, and its been almost 2 years.. it can work if ur ready to make it work! =)

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo right. :redface: