The Student Room Group

Serious tampon trouble

I just cannot use tampons. The first time I tried it hurt like hell. I think it is because I was doing it wrong. 2nd time I tried it (later the same day) still hurt LOADS but not as much as the first time. I am a virgin and I want to use tampons because they are so much easier but I just can't do it. The third time (today) I coluld not manage holding the mirror tampon AND do the other thing. Tried everything and any of the three position just were so awkward. Tried putting the mirror down on something-that didn't work. The thing is- I can't see a hole to even put it in. I can see a tiny hole at the bottom which is where I tried to put it the 1st and 2nd time but the outcome of those attempts were more than disasterous. Today when I finally decided that I knew whee to put it and what direction to point it, as soon as the applicator touched me, it kinda hurt and it is just so uncomfortable that I don't want to go any further. Is there ANY hope that I will be able to use them any time soon? I know it would obviously be easier to use them once I have lost my virginity but I dont want to wai until then and at this rate, I doubt I would even be able to go through with sex if I can't even manage someting as small as a tampon.:frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:

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Reply 1
You can use tampons when you are a virgin. I did.

I think you have now developed some sort of mental block (you said it hurt as soon as it touched you). Stop thinking so hard about it!

Don't tense your muscles. There is definitely a place for it to go, so stop worrying there isn't.

You probably won't do this, but perhaps your mum can offer some advice and stand outside shouting directions? :redface:
Reply 2
firstly try to relax getting stressed about it and convincing yourself that it is going to hurt won't help anything. Make sure you are using the smallest possible size of tampons to start with as you will find that easier, I would also recomend that you use one whch has an applicator because you will find that much easier. I had a quick look and one of the website I found suggested putting some form of lubtricant on the applicator to make insertion easier. Keep at it you should be fine, like I said try not to stress about it you will get it in the end.
Reply 3
ok. Thanks!
Reply 4
How do I manage to hold the tampon, mirror and do the other thing all at the same time. I have to do three things and I have only two hands. I find it impossible.
i have exactly the same problem i just really can't do it :mad: glad i'm not the only one. but yeah, thanx for the advice peeps :biggrin:
Reply 6
What times of applicator tampons are there?
I have this cardboard applicator but I want something smoother. Are there any plastic ones?
Reply 7
Yea there are plastic applicators..
I reckon get non-applicator ones, then you dont have to piss about with the applicator atall.
Reply 8
Yea there are plastic applicators..
I reckon get non-applicator ones, then you dont have to piss about with the applicator atall.

I can't do that yet. After I actually mange to use one and get use to using them with no pain or difficulty.
the really small, non applicator tampons are much easier to use.
I still can't do it and I'm 18. It's all very well for everyone else to say, "Of course you can do it! It's easy! Just do this this and this..."

But some people have impenetrable hymens.

Reply 11
Hmm i find that the compact tampons are the best with the plastic applicator. Just err wiggle it about until it goes in and then basically syringe it in. Ew that sounds weird but oh well. It took me a while to get used to them but its ok now. Just keep at it, read the instruction booklet. Its probs easier not to hold a mirror unless you reallly need to.
I just cannot use tampons. The first time I tried it hurt like hell. I think it is because I was doing it wrong. 2nd time I tried it (later the same day) still hurt LOADS but not as much as the first time. I am a virgin and I want to use tampons because they are so much easier but I just can't do it.

Are they really?
I don't use tampons, can't stand them. Even though they say it shouldn't hurt, it always does. So stick with pads! :biggrin:
Reply 13
You might find the best thing to do is to place one foot on the toilet seat with the other foot on the floor, as this is much easier the bending both you legs as if your doing ballet. Relax. Take a few breaths. As talya said, its mental block which is preventing you from getting the tampon in. Take a mirror and look for where you vagina is. The last thing you want to do is put it in the wrong place. When you see your vagina just gently place the end of the tampon there, don't put it up yet. Put the mirror down. Remember to insert the tampon at an angle towards your back, not straight upwards (that always confuses me). Then when you fell ready just push it up. It won't just slide in, it will need a bit of force. One you have got half an inch of the tampon in, it will slide up easiy. Its just getting it in thats the struggle. Hope this helps XX

Squatting IS a bit of a balancing act but when I do i with one leg up, I can't see a thing. I completely don't know where to put it. So have to do it squatting. I tried again, got it in a out 2mm but then it started to hurt like the 1st and 2nd time which is why I stopped. Why does it keep hurting?
Reply 14
Are they really?
I don't use tampons, can't stand them. Even though they say it shouldn't hurt, it always does. So stick with pads! :biggrin:

When I said easier I mean, you can do whatever you want and wear whatever you want and they are supposed to be moe comfortable coz apparently you're not supposed to even feel that they are there.
Reply 15
Why does it hurt before I have got practical anything in yet?
Reply 16
And people say to point it towards the small of your back-when I do that, it still seems like it is kinda straight. What angle is it?
Reply 17
The area has probably just got sensitive and its the whole mental thing of you know its going to be coming before you actually start. Hmm ive never 'looked' to see where its going. There arent really any other holes around that you could mistake it with lol. Make sure you using one of really small ones to start.
Reply 18
Reply 19
It might be awkward the first few times but once you get the hang of it they're definitely worth using. You might want to just leave it a month or two though, take the pressure off and then try again. I would recommend non applicator ones - I still don't have a clue with the applicator ones, I do them wrong every time! :rolleyes: You can't really go wrong with a normal one.

By aiming it towards your back, people mean tilting it at an angle. You need to aim the tip of it towards where the top of your underwear sits on your back.

Just stop stressing about it, it'll all make sense and work at some point. Don't stress out if you get it wrong, it'll come through practice.