Personally, I wouldn't really go for either in my clinical years (not there yet, but I hear things). I'd prefer something more clinically orientated.
Like...? I think most clinical students buy a general clinical medicine textbook like the two I mentioned and then read the more in-depth speciality books in the library (since there are too many of them to buy and they're expensive).
By the way, I think Cambridge recommend Davidson's, but probably only because some of the bits are written by doctors at Addies and Papworth. A clinical medic at Oxford told me there is no recommended text but most people use K&C. Anyone know which one is recommended by other med schools?
I've also heard that Davidson's is easier to read and to learn from for the first time, but it goes into less depth.
By the way, I think Cambridge recommend Davidson's, but probably only because some of the bits are written by doctors at Addies and Papworth. A clinical medic at Oxford told me there is no recommended text but most people use K&C. Anyone know which one is recommended by other med schools?
I've also heard that Davidson's is easier to read and to learn from for the first time, but it goes into less depth.
K&C here - both are BLers!
Would agree with the comment re: Davidsons. I bought K&C, but I prefered to use Davidson's in my first year. Now I have even the smallest bit of extra knowledge, I prefer K&C. If the same trend continues, I'll be glad I bought it!
Would agree with the comment re: Davidsons. I bought K&C, but I prefered to use Davidson's in my first year. Now I have even the smallest bit of extra knowledge, I prefer K&C. If the same trend continues, I'll be glad I bought it!
Haha, I knew you would mention that! Thanks for the advice though, I think I'll probably go with K&C as well. Still interested to hear more opinions...
Haha, I knew you would mention that! Thanks for the advice though, I think I'll probably go with K&C as well. Still interested to hear more opinions...
I'm a K&C man too.
Although for revision "Medicine at a glance" is brilliant. Its also great for an insight before reading K&C for the extra detail.
Would agree with the comment re: Davidsons. I bought K&C, but I prefered to use Davidson's in my first year. Now I have even the smallest bit of extra knowledge, I prefer K&C. If the same trend continues, I'll be glad I bought it!
First year at Barts or 1st year during clinicals? i am researching on some books for bristol, are they universal and would you recommend buying them when i start or wait till i am told to?
First year at Barts or 1st year during clinicals? i am researching on some books for bristol, are they universal and would you recommend buying them when i start or wait till i am told to?
I doubt you'll need a clinical textbook during your first couple of years at Bristol.
First year at Barts or 1st year during clinicals? i am researching on some books for bristol, are they universal and would you recommend buying them when i start or wait till i am told to?
First year at BL.
I would wait. If Bristol is like any other med school, then as long as you have access to a decent anatomy book, physiology book, etc. it doesn't matter which one. All are much of a muchness and it's usually down to personal preference. Check with Miles though
First year at Barts or 1st year during clinicals? i am researching on some books for bristol, are they universal and would you recommend buying them when i start or wait till i am told to?
Bloody hell, don't buy a clinical book during the first two years, you'll end up using it as a doorstop! The free book they give you at the MDA fair at the start of second year is enough to cope with the few weeks in the hospital as part of second year systems based teaching.
As for other books, you might want to check with wednesburywench, she's actually at brizzle (1st year) at the mo, they could've changed the lists since I left. Worth waiting though as you can get books cheaper from older years, most can be got from the library anyway. Don't make the same mistake I did and buy stacks of recommended texts, complete waste of money!
Bloody hell, don't buy a clinical book during the first two years, you'll end up using it as a doorstop! The free book they give you at the MDA fair at the start of second year is enough to cope with the few weeks in the hospital as part of second year systems based teaching.
As for other books, you might want to check with wednesburywench, she's actually at brizzle (1st year) at the mo, they could've changed the lists since I left. Worth waiting though as you can get books cheaper from older years, most can be got from the library anyway. Don't make the same mistake I did and buy stacks of recommended texts, complete waste of money!
Thanks miles, sTe\/o and good ole Fluffy! Well i was going to use Amazon market place, the internet book shops and ebay.
wednesburywench where art thou.....?
I know it sounds sad but i was also thinking of relooking at alevel stuff as i have been off a year so need som refreshing and i have some more advanced biology books (well the other option modules for our OCR A biology syllabus), is it worth it?
Thanks miles, sTe\/o and good ole Fluffy! Well i was going to use Amazon market place, the internet book shops and ebay.
You can still do that when you get there.
I know it sounds sad but i was also thinking of relooking at alevel stuff as i have been off a year so need som refreshing and i have some more advanced biology books (well the other option modules for our OCR A biology syllabus), is it worth it?
Don't arse around with that, just enjoy your summer holiday
we're recommended to buy kumar and clarke at leeds, though i dont think its really needed until clinical years. we've been asked to bring it to a work session before i think, its tricky cos the course is "integrated" but it is always available online using your library password and its good cos u can just type something in to search instead of flickin thru a massive book.