The Student Room Group

University Choice

It's getting closer and closer to the time when you have to have made your uni decision and I'm finding it so hard. None of the places are 100% what I want they all have good and bad aspects but one that I'm considering is where my best friend is going and we're really close but we have really similar taste in loads of things and I don't want her to think I've decided to go there just because she is, and in a way I don't really want to be together at uni but I like the place. I'm incredibly indecisive and this is really stressing me out. Any advice would really be appreciated. Thank you.
Can you visit any of them again?

Can you talk to your friend about ho you feel. She might really really want you to go to the same uni as her :smile:
Reply 2
If you like the place and think that its where you want to be for the next 3 years or more, why not go there? The fact that you are going to the same place as your best friend should not matter at all- you are going to meet plenty of new people and are going to have a lot more going on then is now.
Reply 3
Just because you're going to the same place doesn't mean you'll see a lot of each other. You could apply for different accommodation or something?
I know how you feel. My parents can't see why I want to visit the two I want to go t again, they know where they want me to go and are trying their best to pressure me into agreeing with them. Talk to your friend, remind her that you may end up not seeing each other as much, so that shouldn't be a problem. Good luck and you've still got a few weeks to decide.
Reply 5
If ur not doing the same course & not in the same accommodation u prob wont c them much anyway. I've got a friend at my uni who I've seen in passing twice since I got here! Altho if u end up at the same societies u might see each other more. Just have an understanding u wont arrange to see each other much for the 1st few weeks so u make ur own friends. After that having a friend at the same uni might be nice! 1 of my good friends is the other side of London (30mins away) & I only managed 2 see her once this term!
have you tried writing a letter to her about it?
Reply 7
Its just that we're both doing a joint honours degree with one part the same. I feel like I haven't voice my decisions to her and then everytime she says hers it looks like I'm following on even though I made the decision separately. I think its just the whole pressure of making a decision which will affect the next four years of my life.
Reply 8
Take your friend out of the equation. It is about finding somewhere YOU will be happy spending four years of your life, not about not looking like you're copying your friend for 5 minutes.

Ask for advice in other areas of this site, it really helped me, but ultimately you have to decide what you want from university and where you can get that. Oh, and don't get hung up on trying to find the "perfect" uni - there isn't one, just ones that have more things you prefer and fewer you don't. If you've applied to unis that are really similar in terms of the things that matter to you, chances are you'd be happy at any of them.

Once you've made up your mind, if it is the same uni as your friend, talk to them and tell them WHY you made the choice, preferably with some reasons that are specific to you/the half of the degree they aren't doing, so hopefully they'll realise you aren't copying them.

Good luck with the decision making.
it's nice to go to uni and have someone that you already know going with you. :smile: wish I had that.
Reply 10
Actually i appreciated the oppourtunity for a fresh break, so swings and roundabouts etc

I still see my old freinds in the holidays, going to uni "on my own" i think was a good decision for me because i coulod just do or be whatever i wanted.