The Student Room Group

modest prom dresses

Hey guys,
Coming up in June is my yr 11 prom and I'm really excited but I have a dilemna. I come from quite a religious background which requires me to dress modestly, but I find this clashes with most modern day prom dresses or just dresses in general. Now my prom isn't a proper formal prom, I can wear a skirt and its more of a summer party type of thing - but if I can't find anything I won't be going. :frown: - I really want to go :P

So here are my personal requirements:

1) Preferably not a low dress/top
2) Preferably not backless
3) A long dress which covers the majority of my legs
4) It doesn't have to be a dress - a skirt would be lovely as well, but I can't find anything.

I no I can get custom made ones but I don't really want to be over the top and it will be really expensive. Like also, I dont want to look stupid - like I don't want to wear something thats going to make me feel so out of place.

Sorry to be so fussy but Ive been looking for ages with no avail. Any help whatsoever will be greatly appreciated.
Thankyou very much.

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Reply 1
Most evening dresses are long, and you could always wear some sort of jacket with it. Or I know that you can buy long skirts with seperate tops for bridesmaids. Hope you manage to find something xx
Reply 2
Thankyou hun for replying - yeh I was thinking like I could always wear some sort of shawl with a dress, obviously something good quality though like a pashmina. Would you recommend any shops for finding any long evening dresses or long skirts with tops?
Thankyou very much for your helpp hunii mwahxXx
Reply 3
Thankyou hun for replying - yeh I was thinking like I could always wear some sort of shawl with a dress, obviously something good quality though like a pashmina. Would you recommend any shops for finding any long evening dresses or long skirts with tops?
Thankyou very much for your helpp hunii mwahxXx

try debenhams, house of fraser, monsoon, there are loads of places that sell long evening dresses. i wanted a shorter evening dress and i found it really hard to find out, everything was down to the floor!
Reply 4
Thankyou hun - I think that it may be too formal perhaps for more of a summery event, my perfect outfit would be a gorgous summer light dress which is modest and looks pretty, or a long floaty pastel skirt with a really gorgous top. ARGH ii wish i could find this!
Reply 5

Would something like this be okay to wear?


OR ... where a fancy chinese dress :smile: I did that once when I had to be modest at a fairly fancy do.

They look SO gorgeous in my opinon, fancy enough for a prom... dress up your hair, get some great strappy heels and it'd be perfect. Plus I doubt anybody else will be wearing one! They sell loads on eBay. I find them sEEEEXYYYYY!!!!

Reply 6
OH and by the way, checkout TK maxx!
They always get lovely gowns in from good labels around this time of year. For good prices. Maybe you'll be able to find something there?

Reply 7
OH and by the way, checkout TK maxx!
They always get lovely gowns in from good labels around this time of year. For good prices. Maybe you'll be able to find something there?


Yeh you'll be able to find something there *smiles at dress* :biggrin:
Monsoon is expensive but does gorgeous, classy clothes. I have a lovely ball gown from there. It is straps as opposed to sleeves but I have a blue satin shawl I wear with it.

If it is a bit of a summer party, what a bout a sexy wrap dress? Mine is just below the knee, and although it has a plunging neckline, I wear a black strappy top underneath to hide the cleavage. Its great because the colours make it look like part of the dress.
Reply 9
I got a really nice pink dress from john rocha at debenhams the dress itself is very modest but it also comes with a lil jacket type thing. Think it would look really nice at a summery event.

This is where I got mine... the dresses are usually dressed up with accessories and shawls etc.

Or try and look at the dresses there.
Reply 11
Its more like an evening but more summery garden party type of thing. Like its not a proper formal prom but it is formal and there isn't a proper dress code. Just not unformal trousers like jeans or combats obviously I wouldnt turn up in combats or tracksuits anyway :P The majority if not all people would probably wear a dress or a skirt. Its not like a long puffy ballgown type of dress event, more like short summery dresses.
Reply 12
Oasis has some really gorgeous dresses at the mo, but again they are a bit pricey.
Try, although they dont ship to the UK, you might get some ideas.
I reccommend Coast because u can get skirts and tops or a dress, they do loads and they're all gorgeous and not revealing at all! xxx
Try, although they dont ship to the UK, you might get some ideas.

They're just regular prom dresses - most of them are really short too!
this sounds weird but how about a white trouser suit? it can look very classy and you would glow cool colours under the UV lights! I personally would wear it with no top underneath, just a necklace, hair up and strappy heels. You would definitely stand out among the prom dresses! but maybe this is not ur idea of a party outfit lol! :p:

if not then I would wear one of those strapless long ballgowns, the corsety type that there are loads of on that windsorstore website, and then get a pashmina and pin it with a brooch across your shoulders. I went to a military dinner where we couldn't show our shoulders, so I did this and actually it worked very well! Also because you don't have to hold it, you won't end up having to balance drinks/food/pashmina all at once! Then, if you don't want to show your arms, wear long white gloves hehehe! curl your hair and you will look like someone from 1930s hollywood! I have created this in paint because I was feeling creative (ignore the weird colours!)

good luck xxx

Hehe, how cool! :biggrin:
Reply 17
lolll thankyou very much everyone! Especially Monty with thatt fabolous drawing :P haha aww bless you, thankuu guys, ii will look later for dresses! At the moment - revising for those great GCSE's :wink:
you could just get a normal evening gown dress type thing, and if its revealign where a shawl round it, or like them short cardi type things-black one or netty quite formal one if you know what i mean

they actually have stuff you can put over yopur dresses at the dress shops.
Reply 19
try, some of its quite expensive but they're dresses are mainly from the 50's so are fairly modest whilst also being very glamorous