The Student Room Group

Going cinema with girl tomorrow

Sorry for the anon post but I just feel more comfortable in this instance :confused:

Anyway, I'm going out with my girlfriend tomorrow to the cinema. We really like each other and really get on and don't know each other properly in real life but get on like best friends and lovers on msn and phone/texting etc. We went out a few months back but we ended it but we have gotten even closer these past few months and we're now going out again:this time it feels right and i'm getting the right vibes from her unlike last time where i felt she was unhappy.

Anyway, we're going out tomorrow and we've been chatting as to what we're going to do :p: and we're not shy about each other like that; we know we want each other and stuff and not afraid to hide it from each other.

The thing is though when I'm with people i'm not always around, or if i'm not in a group my conversation tends to freeze up even though i'm normally a really funny, chatty guy. On MSN I talk to her the way i would want to in real life but last time we went out I found myself struggling to make conversation...we were kissing and stuff but I don't just want to seem like a prat lol.

So have you got any tips on things to say to her (eg you look nice) and generally how to make conversation more lucid.

Reply 1
Hmm, surely the cinema isn't the greatest idea if you should be talking more (though I would be at a bit of a loss as to what else you would do!). That's MSN's achilles heel when it comes to meeting people in reality, sometimes it just doesn't click the same way. I have a lot of 'MSN Only' friends that will probably stay that way, even if I know them vaguely in reality. But that wouldn't help you...
I always tend to deliberately take things people say in the wrong way and make puns, which can work sometimes, but yeah just talk about general stuff (what album's you got recently? heard anything about this film? seen any other films with so and so (from the film) in) and just be casual, all will be fine.

Best of luck anyways!
Reply 3
I practise verbal origami; no clause is sufficiently unambiguous. :smile:
Reply 4
I always tend to deliberately take things people say in the wrong way and make puns, which can work sometimes, but yeah just talk about general stuff (what album's you got recently? heard anything about this film? seen any other films with so and so (from the film) in) and just be casual, all will be fine.

Best of luck anyways!

Reply 5
just let the heart do the work. just forget about your head
just let the heart do the work. just forget about your head

Yes... I suppose you're the expert at that. :rolleyes:
Reply 7
I always tend to deliberately take things people say in the wrong way and make puns, which can work sometimes, but yeah just talk about general stuff (what album's you got recently? heard anything about this film? seen any other films with so and so (from the film) in) and just be casual, all will be fine.

Best of luck anyways!

Provided the subject matter in question does not comprise of 'I', 'love' and 'you', in that order.
Reply 8
Provided the subject matter in question does not comprise of 'I', 'love' and 'you', in that order.

Hey Profesh,

I want some advice from you!
