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ok guys i neeed serious advice:

i slept with a new guy for the first time on saturday....we had been drinking so it kinda lasted an hour and ahalf. since then ive been aching in all my muscles.....stomach, back, legs, neck etc...and now it feels like i need to pee desperately all the time, and when i do pee it HURTS and i bleed. im on the pill and not due a period...whats going on?! im very scared
you slept with a new guy? How new was he?
Reply 2
safest bet is to see a doctor..
Reply 3
Don't panic and go to a GUM clinic as soon as possible. Most sexually transmitted diseases are completely curable.
Reply 4
Maybe a UTI...
The blood is scary.. goto a doc

Reply 5
Acute muscle-fatigue and profuse bleeding are, I think you shall find, perfectly normal in the days, weeks and months following sex for the first time: even assuming that you are not the 'virginal' of the equation. Actually, I jest; the pertinent question is: do you?

For crying out loud: stop dithering and consult your physician, immediately.
Reply 6
See A Doctor!!!! Stop Dragging Your Feet!!!
Reply 7
Sounds like cystitis, but in any case, seeing a doctor is best, they can give you stuff to help clear it up quicker. Meanwhile, drink plenty of water/cranberry juice if you have any.