The Student Room Group

Fake People!

fake people, we all know what im on about.

people that one min they are all over you like "hey hunni how are you" or "you alight mate whats up?" and then as soon as they are around their best mates the whole persona changes. "ffs your doin my head in!" or "omg no-one likes you go away" when you havnt even said one word to them, is it just me or are people turning faker and faker by the day?
Reply 1
People suck
People suck

That ain't always bad :rolleyes: :wink:
Reply 3
I find it near impossible to be fake, means I tend to insult a lot of people.
Reply 4
I think lots of people do it without noticing. Nobody is perfect so of course you're gonna complain about them when theyre gone if they're doing your head in.
Reply 5
yes, i would rather people be honst because i know iam tell people what i think of them. things work out better that way.
Most people are fake. They are the masks, or defensive shields we use to shield ourselves from emotion.
Reply 7
I think lots of people do it without noticing. Nobody is perfect so of course you're gonna complain about them when theyre gone if they're doing your head in.


yes, but im taking about the split secound changes like one min you are talking intermitly and then sundenly their best mate walks in and then they change and have a go at you.
Reply 8
dont associate with them then, id rather have people who arent my best mates not be honest with me because a lot of the time the truth of what people think of you gets you nowhere and makes you feel ****ty. Im not gonna tell someone what i think of them everytime they do something i dont like its too much hassle, its much easier to have a sly dig behind their back.
Reply 9
not associating your self with them would be the eaiest way to solve the matter but, say for instance you are in a class with these people or they work in the same office as you. there will always be that force that you will have to comunicate with them.
Most people are fake. They are the masks, or defensive shields we use to shield ourselves from emotion.

I do loathe insincere, pretend decency/concern though
I agree with the person that said people suck.
Reply 12
Hmm... I'm pretty positive most people in my life aren't fake.... I swear, I've tried poking them, pouring water on them, they still work....
Once I even tried looking for the power switch!

Seems real to me:confused:
People suck

This reminds me of conversations i have with Zapsta.

But yeah, people do suck.
Reply 14
yeah, thanks for that "funny guy" if i ment that i would of put (fake people are your friends not talking to you? or even havnt got the power to go out? is this because they arent real! they are just life sized dolls with battiers) you plum be gone with you!
uh fake people are so annoying! I'd like to just round them up and shoot them. That would teach them...!
charlotte m
uh fake people are so annoying! I'd like to just round them up and shoot them. That would teach them...!

Well that's..... nice?! :confused:
Reply 17
people that one min they are all over you like "hey hunni how are you" or "you alight mate whats up?" and then as soon as they are around their best mates the whole persona changes. "ffs your doin my head in!" or "omg no-one likes you go away" when you havnt even said one word to them

It just sounds like you associate with unpleasant people.

Or lunatics, I'm not sure which.
i'd do the same to you.

Nice to see that we live in a civilised world :rolleyes: