The Student Room Group
Reply 1
The problem with tinnitus is that it's hard to pin down a cause; virtually every ear disorder in existence can cause tinnitus; so it's hard to prescribe something to get at the root of the problem. For some people, hearing aids work; for others, tinnitus maskers, which are devices rather like hearing aids, that produce a neutral sound. What you would really need, if it's a serious problem, is a proper investigation: a full audiologic assessment, a CT of the temporal bone, and an MRI of the head. If it's concerning you a lot, go to see your GP and get referred to a specialist.
Reply 2
yawning works for me
Reply 3
I had Tinnitus caused by having a cold and flying in a plane. The pressure managed to clog everything up, so I had to go and see my doctor, who gave me some tablets (which admittedly didn't work). I suggest going to see your GP. He/she should be able to suggest something right for you.

My Tinnitus has now worn off, which is good seen as I had it since June last year!
Reply 4
I get it, though I don't recall having it for a few weeks now. It's been getting worse recently but I haven't bothered mentioning it to the doctor as I didn't think anything could be done about it.
Reply 5
Ive had it on and off for a while. Went to see my GP but he wasnt very interested.
I have had chronic tinnitus for two years now, since I started my GCSE's: the GP believes that it was a virus which caused it intially. Medical professionals suggested popping my ears, nose drops and even surgery to have grommets inserted into my eardrums. None of these worked and the operation even made the sound louder in both ears! However, it is true that while there is no cure, ways to cope exist. I'm currently doing my A levels in an environment where I can have my white noise machine turned on, and I will be getting hearing aids wich produce white noise so I don't have to hear the ringing wherever I am. The aids were suggested through a referral to a specialist clinic, which I believe offers other services exclusive to our ailment: they do help!
I can't remember what silence sounds like anymore, and I think that if my tinnitus did leave, I'd be lonely! (^_^) I've made my peace with the sound now: despite the fact that it's always there, It's not holding me back anymore.
I wish you all the best. :smile:
Reply 7
I've had tinnitus since about 2008 and I have had to live with it. Yes it is annoying but I just listen to alot of music to drown it out. I will probably have it till the day I die as there is no cure :frown:

My advice to others is to never listen to music too loud through earphones, the eardrum is soo delicate.
I made a HUGE mistake and now have to pay the price.