The Student Room Group

Pills For: Weight Loss, Calorie Burn, Appreite Suppression etc.....

Hey guys, I wanted to buy some of these type of pills off eBay, but theres so many, I dont know which one to buy. Do any of you guys have experience. Im working out quite often, but I cant stop eating as normal, and I tend to over eat (eating when not even hungry). And Im 6"3 and 15st, and I have a big belly. I want to lose alot of weight and gain much more muscle.

So yeah, if any of you guys have used these types of products, please give names and any other experiences.


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Reply 1
old wives tale that works, a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water before u eat a meal. reduces appetite. and when feelin hungry, drink 1st to make sure its not thirst. wait 10 mins, if still hungry, eat. works very well.
Reply 2
But I dont really overeat when Im eating a proper meal, but more after or before meals, I guess you can call it snacking, but its BIG time snacking.
Reply 3
is it out of boredom? if so, eat nothin foods like popcorn, nt the hugh fat/sugar brands tho.
Water is a good cure for boredom orientated eating...get those evian 1lt bottles and down 1/2 to one of them - will fill you up. Also 2/3rd of you recommended daily intake. Suggest the gym as well........... and if you really want to, start taking protein shakes: they are a healthy way to snack/curb hunger and will aid you in the gym with muscle recovery and repair.
Reply 5
I drink about 3 litres of water a day now, Uptil lat month, I used 2 drink less than 500ml in a month.
Reply 6
most the pills will be ****. if you're going into that stuff then at least get something that is effective.
Reply 7
most the pills will be ****. if you're going into that stuff then at least get something that is effective.

Any idea what is effective???
Reply 8
Small calorie controlled meals would be my personal suggestion rather than waste your money on the crap that you would get off ebay.
no way dont use pills you'll screw up your metabolism...the best way to get of the snack habit is that whenever you have a craving for one just eat fruit.. its the BEST optio i assure you...and fruit is the best thing to snack on...its healthy and plus you'll end up eating your five portions a day ! forget the pills
Seriously, sweetheart. Diet pills aren't good, most of them are made for morbidly obese people, and they will just mess up your system.

Best idea - snacks and meals, planned out. Eat 3 small meals and 3 snacks, but plan it out before hand. x x
Prescription only ones are the best....I don't know if you're that overweight but if you're seriously bothered go see your GP.
Forget pills. Try replacing carbs in your diet with more complex ones (I've lost weight by eating loads of rice recently), and eat lots of apples. Why? Apples are proven to increase your metabolism and increase calorie burn, and a lot of the recently released diet pills that claim this are "apple cider" pills. I think a bag of apples would be cheaper personally.
Reply 13
Have you seen one of the documentaries in the 30 days series by Morgan Spurlock? (The guy who did Super Size Me where he ate nothing but McDonalds food for a month) Well one of the programmes followed guy who alongside doing muscle building eercise with a personal trianer, took lots of different pills that claim to help weight loss, build up muscle, help with a calorie controlled diet, etc, etc.... needless to say, it messed up his body and did him a hell of a lot more harm than good. I'm sorry to say there are no magic pills - spend your money elsewhere :smile:
Reply 14
I watched a programme about a woman who took GP prescribed diet pills. She ended up going into heart and lung failure after taking them for 6 weeks
Reply 15
So don't take them!!!
As with anything there are side effects, I have to say dropping dead on prescribed weight loss medication is in the extreme minority. I took sibutramine for over a year and I was fine. The whole point of prescription only medications is that your doctor is supposed to monitor you for reactions/side effects as well as progress.
Hunters in some African tribes use a section of the Hoodia plant to supress appetite. (For when they have to go literally days with no food.)

Taken from a reputable source, will probs be very effective.

Though first and foremost, try altering your diet. Needless to say, you're not a tribal huntman, so suppressing your appetite for days on end, (or indeed, at all), shouldn't really be an option.
pills are BAD