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Reply 1
You can get it anywhere between 11 and 13 weeks, so you should be okay as long it's not much longer than 12 weeks. The FPC I go to makes my new appointment at 11 weeks (unless I ask for a bit longer) when I get out from having my injection, and then I write it in my work diary so I know when it is.

Could try setting alarms on your phone for a week before and then a day before your next appointment?
hey can i just ask something? does the injcetion affect you in any way? because my periods completely stopped which i think is normal, but i also gained half a stone and went up like a whole dress size!?
It'll be fine, at one point I stopped taking it for a couple of months then decided to go back on it and there was no difference.
Some people put on weight on the injection but it's different for everyone. (My weight has been the same since I started it 2 years ago)
It's not the drug that directly increases amounts of fat, but it might increase your appetite. When you feel that you need to eat, just eat little portions of fruit maybe.
hey can i just ask something? does the injcetion affect you in any way? because my periods completely stopped which i think is normal, but i also gained half a stone and went up like a whole dress size!?

My weight went up quite a bit (put on 2 stone) :frown:

Think there is some leeway as has been stated, and a slong as your doctor is aware of it then it should be ok
i hate the pill, i mean the idea is good but i wish they'd bring something out that didnt mess with my figure..:s-smilie:
^ ^ Go on a lower does pill. Mericillon 30 is a very lose does and sorted me out a treat!
My injection was even later than I thought... but the nurse said it was ok providing I hadn't had sex over the last week, which I hadn't anyway, so all is good in that respect.

Going on to the point of how it affects you... it doesn't seem to have really done anything to me... I don't think I've put on weight, so if i have it can't be that much, and I do still have periods but they are really light. They weren't too bad in the first place, now they're there, but really light. That is one thing I miss about the pill though.. the way I could control when my periods were...:p: At the moment they are pretty regular, I just can't decide to have a month off or anything..
Reply 8
My injection was even later than I thought... but the nurse said it was ok providing I hadn't had sex over the last week, which I hadn't anyway, so all is good in that respect.

Going on to the point of how it affects you... it doesn't seem to have really done anything to me... I don't think I've put on weight, so if i have it can't be that much, and I do still have periods but they are really light. They weren't too bad in the first place, now they're there, but really light. That is one thing I miss about the pill though.. the way I could control when my periods were...:p: At the moment they are pretty regular, I just can't decide to have a month off or anything..

How long have you been on it? You may yet find that they stop as you continue getting shots if you've been on it less than a year. I was lucky 'cause mine stopped pretty much straight away. Occasional spotting for about the first year, but no proper periods in 2 and a half years. :biggrin:
Reply 9
I didnt have periods at all on the injection; was on it just over a year, i just hated the side effects, used to make me really moody and i put on tons of weight cos it used to make me eat and eat. On Linegon 20 pill now and its so much better; still have a big appetite but not as bad and I havent been as moody.
Reply 10
Contraceptive injections are not as good as the pill.
Reply 11
Contraceptive injections are not as good as the pill.

What makes you say that?
How long have you been on it? You may yet find that they stop as you continue getting shots if you've been on it less than a year. I was lucky 'cause mine stopped pretty much straight away. Occasional spotting for about the first year, but no proper periods in 2 and a half years. :biggrin:

I've not been on it a year yet... only a few months. I'm liking the ideas of periods stopping.. at the same time though it slightly confuses me, all this contraceptive stuff.. It can't be doing us much favours being on the injection or the pill, but I guess if it was too bad they wouldn't exist? Its not natural though. But then again, neither is a thin layer of having a condom in between you, or any form of contraception.
By the way, that is not my justification for not using any, I obviously do use the injection. As for condoms, I would use them too, but seeing as the only person I've been sleeping with, I've been sleeping with for over a year, so we both know neither of us have an STD. We've been checked over too just to be sure...
Reply 13
Contraceptive injections are not as good as the pill.

In terms of efficacy, it is.
Reply 14
It can't be doing us much favours being on the injection or the pill, but I guess if it was too bad they wouldn't exist? Its not natural though. But then again, neither is a thin layer of having a condom in between you, or any form of contraception.

Actually, it's 'natural' for women to spend the majority of their lives bearing children and thus not having periods for 9 months out of every 12 or so. Which I believe it why the injection can reduce your risk of certain types of cancer to do with the uterus. Besides, there isn't much natural about computers/cars/cell phones etc but it doesn't worry most people. :biggrin:
Reply 15
I have Implanon - the contraceptive implant because I was shocking at remembering to take my pill! Implanon is always there, isn't affected by antibiotics, lasts for three years, and is ideal for people like me with real bad memories!! Periods can be a little unpredictable but mine stopped altogether which was great!! Why don;t you speak to your doctor about it? I'd recommend it to anyone that isn't too squeamish to have something sitting just under their skin!!

Reply 16
I have Implanon

I can recommend it too :biggrin: It doesn't hurt to ask your Doc!
Only trouble with the implant, I've heard it can bring on depression, which since I'm on antidepressants probably isn't the best of plans... I would consider it if it wouldn't affect me in that way though. I would probably prefer it to injections...
Reply 18
Only trouble with the implant, I've heard it can bring on depression, which since I'm on antidepressants probably isn't the best of plans... I would consider it if it wouldn't affect me in that way though. I would probably prefer it to injections...

The only answer to that one is go down to the clinic and ask a doc who's given it to a hundred people what she thinks :smile:
Reply 19
hey can i just ask something? does the injcetion affect you in any way? because my periods completely stopped which i think is normal, but i also gained half a stone and went up like a whole dress size!?

Yup, I was told I might put on weight but luckily it hasn't affected me in that way, my periods have stopped though which is always a bonus!!