I was diagonosed as being clinically depressed at 13.
Now, i was given drugs, dont think i started a packet, mainly due to an underlying mistrust of doctors and any drugs.
My parents arranged for me to see a shrink, which I have to admit, did work. If you are seriously depressed, you need to find whatever reason you have for it(and it may not seem like a huge deal to others, and what others think doesnt matter)and you have to find a way to cope. I guess you need to find a reason to fight. At 12, a man who I should have trusted(as a youth leader) attempted to rape me, now that was my cause. I guess i knew it w/o seeing the shrink but she helped me to see it.
Its been 5 years since i was diagnosed, and it would be a lie to say i wake up everyday and am fine. Im not, alot of days are still a struggle. My reason to fight comes from my family, a friend and my boyfriend. They make me see life was worth living. They make me feel that even if my day isnt brilliant, theres always tomorrow.
There are many ways to make yourself feel more +ve. Exercising, happy films, hugs and chocolate have all been mentioned. Another way, and this is really difficult, Is refocussing your views from all the -ve things in your life to the+ve. Now it took me years to master not focusing on only the -ve, and every does look and see -ve to a certain extent, but you gotta see the +ve you do too.
I'm 18 now. at 14 i tried to take my own life, im so glad i didnt, but there are still alot of daily battles that must be fought and won every day.
I recomend going to see you GP as diagnosing yourself on a website isnt a sure thing. As some one else mentioned ^^^ you can go to any mental illness site, and you'll find symtoms you can apply to yourself there. No one here can tell you how you feel, or how to deal with stuff or anything(no offence ment there) you need to take control, You need to say I want to get better. You need to get help, as in the profesional kind. See a shrink (but try your GP first, he might tell you one, and you may get it thru the NHS).