The Student Room Group

Problem down below- for a girl

ok, well this is really embarrassing. For a number of years I have had a kind of 'lump' in my vagina. I only noticed this about 3 years ago when I was 14 and started using tampons and couldn’t insert them properly. It doesn’t hurt and is kind of mid way up. I've tried to find out info on the internet, but there isn’t any. What’s more there is no way i will go to the doctors in a million years- as I am far too embarrassed. Does any1 else have this or any info as i've had it for years and am scared its something serious :frown:
Reply 1
Just go to the doc, we're not really going to be able to say anything to help you... Honestly; they will have seen it all before there's no need to be embarassed :smile:
You'd be surprised how less embarassing it would be at a doctors. You could try Brook or somewhere similar, as they're used to treating this sort of area. Also think of the extremes doctors see, they're not going to be shocked by something like that.

When you say midway-up....are you sure you don't mean the cervix?
Sorry to tell you this, but an over-internet diagnosis with not much more to go on then "a lump" is not going to happen. However much you don't want to, my advice is to simply face your fear and go to the doctor. At best it'll be nothing and put your mind at rest, at worst at least someone will know what's happening and start to mend you! Seriously, you should see a doctor - maybe you can convince a close relative or friend to go with you?
Hymen mebbe?

Or maybe the cervix? Though that shouldnt be so far down...

Know you don't wanna hear this, but unless you post some horribly graphic photo up for a med student to scrutinise, (and that would be just plain WRONG), the doctor's your best bet. Just ask for a female one?
Reply 5
Sounds like the lip of your cervix. Don't worry. Or if you must worry, curtail it with a quick and easy visit to a female doctor.
Reply 6
You don't have to go to your family doctor, which might be embarrassing if you know them.

Go to a GUM clinic - they really will have seen it ALL before, warts and all.. very professional and friendly. It is not embarrassing, nobody has to know. You don't have to give them your real name if you don't want to. They will check you out, test you, no problem, they do NOT only treat STDs.

Seriously I want to stress this: going to a GUM clinic is not really unpleasant at all, people just think it is. If more people went the country would be much healthier and happier!

Find your nearest GUM clinic via

Good luck :smile:
Reply 7

^^ that explains in pretty good detail what should be there, so if u think uv got something diff, just go to the doc, that's what they're there for an they've seen it all a hundred times before anyway.
You'll have to face them sometime anyway, ull need a SMEAR at about 21, so just go. If ur rly embarrassed ask for a female doc.
Reply 8
thanks for all the advice guys...looks like i will just have to face my fear.
Reply 9
This may seem like a stupid question but what sort of lump is it? Does it feel like a spot type lump or is it flat? And how big is it? Is it so big that its actually preventing you from inserting tampons/sexual activity etc?

But like everyone else says get checked out. It wont be that bad and they should be able to tell you there and then what the problem is and provide some sort of remedy.
Seriously GUM clinics are'nt half as scary as you'd expect. I've been with friends before and the people are so friendly and the doctors there have seen EVRRYTHING before and they're so straightforward and natural. Really nothing to worry about I promise.
are you sure its not the pelvic bone? it just feels like a sort of fleshy hard lump just inside the vagina....