The Student Room Group

Weight issues

basically, Im overweight. if someone saw me and then someone asked you 'would u say shes overweight,' everyone would say yes. its not like im disgusting lookiing, but believe me, i could lose a few pounds i think i actually have to lose 50 pounds. well im really serious about loosing weight now because i will be starting uni soon and i dont like when my family talk about it. Like my grandparents make comments. I got a job at a restaurant and my grandpa said 'now dont nibble around' and whenever i eat healthy at dinner my parents say 'good job' like im 5. If I restrict my calories drastically and start exercising could i lose a lot of weight by september or does it take much longer. I just really need to do something and i want to stop feeling horrible after my family comments on it.
Reply 1
You can definitely make a huge difference by September.

Cut out stodgy foods - breads, doughs, pastas, pizzas, rice etc, as much as you can. Get as much fruit and veg as you can take, preferably often (every two hours, an apple/carrots). Drink lots of water, and not much else. Do at least 45 mins of cardio work a day (Brisk walking/jogging/cycling/swimming/tennis or other fitness sport) and preferably more. Don't be unrealistic (so allow yourself a chocolate bar now and then), but don't binge.

Good luck!