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lol I would but VERY reluctantly. once I do it however, I'm fine with it. you know japanese public baths.....:P
Reply 2
I need directions to the beach in question please :p:

Not just to look at your gorgeous bodies, but to take in your enlightening personalities... :biggrin: :rolleyes:
Reply 3
Yeah I've done it before, in Italy and Spain. Loads of other girls do too and I wanted an all-over (well, nearly all-over!) tan. Some blokes do look quite openly which is a bit off putting I'll admit. It's a nice confidence boost though (seeing as I've only got little Bs!) plus you do feel very, uh, "free" i.e swimming etc. Like being little again in some way.
Reply 4
Ahem... Directions please... :wink:
Reply 5
i wouldnt... i dont know why. Just not that comfortable with my body i suppose.
On holiday I usually let myself go a bit because I know there is no-one here who knows who I am and will probably never see me again, but going topless, I don't know, that's another matter.

Personally when I see women topless on the beach I look the other way or I'll move to a spot where there are no topless women (especially if they're old!) because I'd rather not look at the exhibitionists, but then I do get very jealous of them for having a perfect tan without bikini marks! Hrmmm...
Reply 7
No way, Im not ashamed of my body or anything but would rather keep my breasts private! Plus I had a friend once who sunburnt her nipples very badly, and that was enough to put me off!
I need directions to the beach in question please :p:

Not just to look at your gorgeous bodies, but to take in your enlightening personalities... :biggrin: :rolleyes:

My god, you have been well trained :biggrin:
Which self-help dating books have you been reading?
what a alone in a beach full of topless gals......:biggrin: Just kidding.
what a alone in a beach full of topless gal......:biggrin: Just kidding.

Not that you'd get any... don't your type have to be taken first?
I'm pretty comfortable with my breasts and so I would but only if there wern't many people on the beach. I don't want everyone getting a glimpse of them :rolleyes:
Ew creamcrackered

I wouldn't because then there'd be no mystery left. Whenever I've been on holiday it always seem to be the over 40s with their boobs out
no i wouldnt.

1. im rather large chested and it would be uncomfortable
2. i would rather be playing vollyball/ building sandcastles/ swimming/ having fun than getting a tan
Ew creamcrackered

I wouldn't because then there'd be no mystery left. Whenever I've been on holiday it always seem to be the over 40s with their boobs out

Mystery will be still left if u are only topless....hehe just kidding :biggrin: :biggrin:
Really... Ooooh... I really interested now...

Directions? :wink:

Brighton has a nice beach... hint hint :wink:
Would you? If you already have, do you find that people stare? :confused:

Do they really? That is really odd for a female going topless on a beach -especially if she is attractive.
Reply 17
I wouldn't but I'd be more worried about getting badly burnt (the skins going to be very delicate as it's rarely exposed) and getting cancer than people seeing my boobs. I don't really want to end up being 30 with a really freckly and wrinkled chest.
ahh ahh ahh creamcrackers, don't go cheating on minimo now! LOL
Reply 19
I think it's a shame that so many british girls are so reluctant about it..i'm not saying that in a pervy way.. it's just sad that people can't be confortable with their own bodies. What makes you think that you are all so different to the majority of the europeans??