The Student Room Group

How to get closer to him.... but not look desperate?!


Basically theres this boy I think is gorgeous :suith: and I really would like to get to know him better :smile:

The thing is, we've only met once (at about age 7!) and havent spoken since lol.

He's a close friend of one of my cousins and I know I can get his contact details through him :cool:

But I dont know how to ask him for them (e.g msn) without seeming desperate or strange :redface: because we've never spoken about him for more than 5 seconds and cus cus will be thinking "omg she's so desperate"

How can I do this subtley any ideas?

Reply 1
try and bring the guy up in some casual way... like what is he up to these days? I dont think that sounds desperate. Dont say you after him in a romantic way, and then if something does happen then goodness me what a coincidence! :wink:
Reply 2
I hear ya :wink: lol

buuuuuut the thing is I don't know him that well to ask what hes up to without looking suspiscious :redface:

ohh love is such a complicated thing........
Reply 3
Whoever invented the heart emoticon should be taken outside and shot by a firing squad.

Anyway, if you have so little contact with him why are you so desperate? Maybe temporising would be a goos option here?
Reply 4
I want to get to know him because we've got the same background, traditions, religion etc. and thats hard to find!

And he's oh so gorgeous :smile:
Reply 5
The thing is, we've only met once (at about age 7!) and havent spoken since lol.

So you remember him being gorgeous from when you were 7? Or have you watching him through binoculars from a secure location ever since?

Anyway, as other people have said, just bring him up nonchalantly in conversation with your cousin and then ask for his msn address. Unless you make it obvious that you fancy him, no one will work it out.
Reply 6
So you remember him being gorgeous from when you were 7? Or have you watching him through binoculars from a secure location ever since?

Who have you been talking to? :confused: :confused:

LOL, no ive seen photos of him on my cousins space :smile: of course :wink: