The Student Room Group

Is it bad to eat so little?

The last few days I've eaten very little.

Tuesday I didn't eat until about 7pm, when I did have a fair amount (a large bit of chicken with mushrooms and onions in a creamy sauce with some vegetables and roast potatoes.

This was followed by a ridiculous amount of alcohol....but that is another story...

Anyway, yesterday I only had a dish of couscous (with raisins, sunflowerseeds and a couple of other bits in it) and a tin of tuna with some mayonnaise.

I haven't eaten anything yet today, and while I feel hungry, I don't really feel that hungry.

I know it's probably not good for me, but just how bad is it not to eat a lot sometimes?
Well if it becomes a habit, its not good for you. If you're eating below you're daily calorie intake (2500 for men) then expect weight loss, as if you're not eating you won't even be able to sustain the weight you already have.

My eating habits are irregular, but if you're finding it difficult to fit in meals try to arrange a time to eat everyday.

That said if its becuase you don't want to it, it could be the signs of another matter completly
Reply 2
Sudden loss of appetite can be symptomatic of other health problems, so if it has been rather sudden (and last for a reasonably significant period of time) then prehaps some sort of medical examination would be of utility, if only to assauge any fears.

If you have been like this for a long time then I see no reason to be concerned, different bodies have different nutritional requirements and rhythms.
I think it's more of a fact that I don't have much food in the house to make a decent meal out of. I just can't be bothered to go down and try to make anything, nor go to the shop and buy some stuff. I just don't feel hungry enough to go and do it.....
Roger Kirk
I think it's more of a fact that I don't have much food in the house to make a decent meal out of. I just can't be bothered to go down and try to make anything, nor go to the shop and buy some stuff. I just don't feel hungry enough to go and do it.....

Ahh yes

I suffer from that too, its getting a bit ridiculous now, having not eaten a proper meal in about a week from lack of food and being lazy :redface:
Reply 5
Has anything happened recently, any changes in your life that this could be a subconcious reaction to? A lot of people go through stages where their diets change, they may eat more or they may eat less. Its fine, if you just watch out.

In the short term, its not awful. Just try not to make a habit of it, and watch out for any body-mass loss (I'm not going to say weight loss, because you don't lose weight, you lose body mass - much more visible).

However, long term, it may cause fatigue, lack in concentration, it may mess up your metabolism and organ problems, as well as dry and brittle skin and nails, ang other type things. Generally not great.

Could you try to force yourself to eat, even if it is only one more meal - maybe breakfast?

Take care of you, Jo x
Hehehe, breakfast. What is breakfast?

I haven't eaten if for many months now :redface:

That is one meal I generally don't have time for.

The most I've ever managed this year so far is to take a cereal bar with me to school and hopefully amnage to fit it in at staff briefing, otherwise it has to wait till breaktime...but even then I've probably only done throuhg about 2 boxes of bars in 12 weeks.
Reply 7
Breakfast is the meal you need to have. I would advise you, even if you don't feel hungry, to try and eat something small and healthy. If you don't want to eat lunch, have an apple or a small piece of fruit.