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Reply 1
med school for as long as it takes to get the medical degree! 5/6 years.

Psychiatry is a specialty of medicine - so is different to other doctors in same way a surgeon is different to a GP, who's different to a public health consultant who differs from a...
Info about psychiatry as a career & the training from a school leaver perspective is on their Royal College Website. Although the system has just changes slightly at 'PRHO' level.

Basically - the first 6 or so years are going to be pretty much the same whichever specialty you think you might want to go into.
so i'm afraid chemistry is going to be fairly essential - but might be worth checking on medical school websites whether any will accept just an AS. :smile:
Reply 2
Psycholgy would def be a recommended start.
Psyche AQA A or B are full of options to do wif very basic Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry in a textbook sense.

Psyche B is the more to do wif the profession. You culd pik, for instance, in AS, Schizophrenia and intelligence, Child Development options and some other less relevant stuff. At A2 you could do loads of 'ealth Psychology and Atypical behaviour (schizo, and all manners of psycholoigcal illness issues), eons of it! You cant do all of it sadly, for the exam!
Psycholgy would def be a recommended start.
Psyche AQA A or B are full of options to do wif very basic Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry in a textbook sense.

Psyche B is the more to do wif the profession. You culd pik, for instance, in AS, Schizophrenia and intelligence, Child Development options and some other less relevant stuff. At A2 you could do loads of 'ealth Psychology and Atypical behaviour (schizo, and all manners of psycholoigcal illness issues), eons of it! You cant do all of it sadly, for the exam!

Definitely not Psych in lieu of Bio/Chem!
i want to do psychiatry but its a long way off yet so theres no point in you picking your subjects around that just concentrate on getting in med school, just out of interest have you researched around the subject as you seem to have the idea that it isnt like being a doctor are you sure you arent thinking more psychology
Reply 5
picking subjects round your interests though IZ highly recommended, have alook at the Psyche syllabi if you really are interested in it. elath Psyche is ighly relevant to many aspects of a medical career.

Definitely not Psych in lieu of Bio/Chem!

aye why would you? that wuld be stupid cos Chem and Bio are entry requirements often. Doh! I'm sure you're not suggesting that?

i wuld say that Psych is mor relevant and useful to the medical study and a career than Biol or Chem, though, if you choose options that are related to it.
picking subjects round your interests though IZ highly recommended, have alook at the Psyche syllabi if you really are interested in it. elath Psyche is ighly relevant to many aspects of a medical career.

aye why would you? that wuld be stupid cos Chem and Bio are entry requirements often. Doh! I'm sure you're not suggesting that?

i wuld say that Psych is mor relevant and useful to the medical study and a career than Biol or Chem, though, if you choose options that are related to it.

I certainly wouldn't say that!

P.S. Text speak tends to be frowned upon here... Just so that you know for future incase you get negged for it.
Reply 7
just a few questions for you personally.
I am guessing that you've studied A lvl Biol and CHem?

have you worked in healthcare?
have you studied medicine?
have you studied Psychology?

just a few questions for you personally.
I am guessing that you've studied A lvl Biol and CHem?

have you worked in healthcare?
have you studied medicine?
have you studied Psychology?


Advanced highers, and yes some Psychology in my spare time because I find it interesting. I think it's pretty blatant that I'm not a medical student yet :rolleyes: However, I think it's also pretty blatant that what I'm learning in biology and chemistry at the moment will be more relevant to medicine than psychology will.
Reply 9
thanks for your opinion, macca.
its your blatant opinion though, not mine. i tend not to pass judgement over anyfing until i've done it, which is how i've arrived at ma conclusion, macca.

That all said, it is blatant that one shuld study what you enjoy, so mor than anyfing, this is about wat the OP is interested in. i'm sure he/she is open to suggestions, uninformed or not.
thanks for your opinion, macca.
its your blatant opinion though, not mine. i tend not to pass judgement over anyfing until i've done it, which is how i've arrived at ma conclusion, macca.

That all said, it is blatant that one shuld study what you enjoy, so mor than anyfing, this is about wat the OP is interested in. i'm sure he/she is open to suggestions, uninformed or not.

My opinion isn't uninformed. Plus, I never said that psychiatry is irrelevant to medicine, just that biology and chemistry are more relevant, which I think most people would agree with.
Reply 12

dont wuzzi though, i'm not ere to argue wif you. You mite want to alter your opinion at some point in the future when you are a bit mor informed, who knows?

'need' does 'owever correspond directly to Chem and/or Biol for some unis, and just Chem for others.

dont wuzzi though, i'm not ere to argue wif you. You mite want to alter your opinion at some point in the future when you are a bit mor informed, who knows?
'need' does 'owever correspond directly to Chem and/or Biol for some unis, and just Chem for others.

Ditto to that condescending remark.

Incidentally, I'm also considering psychiatry as a career.
Reply 14
its tru, i might change, though i dont find it condescending myself.
already studied some medicine, worked in ealthcare and psyche nussin (jus a bit mind!) and studied A lvl biol, chem, psyc, Dip Philos Healthcare but its quite possible i may change my views even so, i'm quite willing to accept that.
Well I found it a little consdescending as it assumed that my opinion was ill informed - albeit yours is probably more informed than mine. My opinion may change, but I don't see it happening. I know a lot of people at med school already with H Psych and I dont think any one of them would say that they found having studied psychology more helpful than having studied biology and chemistry. If psychology was more relevant, wouldn't that be an essential A Level/AH for med school?
Reply 16
hardly. in fact the Admissions peeps for eons thought that CHemistry was 'more relevant' than Biology, and demanded Chem A level as standard, writing off Biol which i agree is sooo much more relevant to medicine that the bloody 'aber process, crackin and ion chem.
i wouldnt trust an Admissions policy as far as you can throw it, personally.They are all artifacts of wat came befor them really.

sorry for appearing condescending. i value your input totally (good fing to else i'd be a rite tyrant. which is difficult at ma 'eight:frown: )
I'm going to have to go with the chem+bio side of the argument.

If you want to do psychiatry, you'll need to get into a med course.

If you want to get into a med course, you'll need bio and chem.

If you get into a med course, and choose to specialise in psychiatry, Uni-level psychiatry is going to be far more detailed and useful than a mere A-Level. It's also doubtful they'll assume any significant knowledge of the course beforehand.

Unfortunatly, from what I'm aware chem is actually essential for most med courses, while bio isn't actually stated as a required subject (Not that I'm saying it's not useful, because I'm fairly sure it is)
hardly. in fact the Admissions peeps for eons thought that CHemistry was 'more relevant' than Biology, and demanded Chem A level as standard, writing off Biol which i agree is sooo much more relevant to medicine that the bloody 'aber process, crackin and ion chem.
i wouldnt trust an Admissions policy as far as you can throw it, personally.

sorry for appearing condescending. i value your input totally (good fing to else i'd be a rite tyrant. which is difficult at ma 'eight:frown: )

I see your point about chemistry - med schools are shifting towards bio so who knows whether or not they'll become more keen on people having psychology. However, at the level of biology studied at med school, wouldn't people be at a real disadvantage without chemistry? Even at AH bio, people with only H chem are struggling a bit with some aspects of the course.
Reply 19
i dont fink they will eva be persuaded to tek on psche unless the whole structure of psyche changes to suit the medical profession, despite about 60% of a selected Psyche B syllabus being relevant to Psychiatry. Their loss.
i fink regarding chem, you culd prob cover all the necessary missing stuff in a week of lecture, though this wuld vary from syllabi to syllabi and med skool to med skool even a bit.

Duke Flipside
I'm going to have to go with the chem+bio side of the argument.
Zero value to the is psych mor useful in a medical career, but very succint reading which is ighly relevant to the reader and i agree totally, well put together macca.