The Student Room Group

Friends getting way of possible relationship/romance?!?!

Bit of a confusing description but here we go:

I dropped my best friend Mike off at one of his other best friends Alex's (who i had met last year when dating one of his other friends Sam) birthday party a few weeks ago...when we arrived i remembered how gorgeous and lovely Alex is. As i left i heard him say "where's she going" (sounded upset that i was leaving) and was told the next day that he had wanted to get me to come to the party (it was a small dinner of 7 best friends). Anyway, Mike didnt give my number or help them to ring me as he - as he explained to me the next day, thinks that Alex needs a stable life atm as him and his dad fell out and so now he's living in council housing at his main focus in college. (hes 18). Mike says im not stable enough, and wont quite give enough reason but stuff to do with no one being good enough for Alex and how Alex just doesnt need a girlf atm. Anyway i was irritated by this as i think i would be a supportive girlf if it worked out, which i think it would.

Today i find out that last night Sam went round to Mikes, they discussed life etc. etc. and Sam mentioned that Alex really likes me, Mike preceeded to tell him that Alex needs to be able to focus on his college to get through the hard time he's in and so he should be single.

When i was with Sam, Alex was saying how lovely a girlf i was and how nice i am etc. and we got on really well.

Im committed to my work too, friends often come to me for help, im not demanding and im willing to put a lot of work into a relationship whilst recognising that it will be difficult for him as he has a lot of difficulties atm, but i would want to help to support him. all my friends but him think i would be great for him, just are worried he would be too much given i have my A2's.

Am i being selfish by wanting to date him?? Is he better off without me?? Is Mike being mean and stupid?? (mature description i know)

All advice please.
Reply 1
Your not being selfish at all!! Also nobody can know if he will be better off with you or alone.

this Mike guys sounds, sorry, a bit gay to me. I mean he said that nobody is good enough for Alex?

Anyway, Alex sounds interested in you so just go for it I say :smile:
Reply 2
Aw thanks....I just didnt know if i was being selfish. Mike....well trust me is straight as, gets completely infatuated with girls, but is very overprotective of his best friends....including girls. heehee...

Reply 3
I guess Mike is trying to look out 4 his mate but I think thats going a bit far! If u & Mike like each other it could well work out & its defo worth a shot!
Reply 4
Unless you have a history of messing guys up, which would explain Mike's behaivour.

Other than that, maybe Mike wants to go out with him?
Reply 5
Never messed a guy up that i can think one, but Mike doesnt know about him and that wasnt bad.

thanks for advice all...hmmm mike....
Reply 6
would i be betraying mike if i text Alex..? mike is adamant that we shouldnt date
Reply 7
-x- Lici
would i be betraying mike if i text steven...? mike is adamant that we shouldnt date

Whose Steven?

Anyway, sounds to me that Mike either fancies you..or Alex :p: