The Student Room Group

Need to work, but don't feel well enough

i've had a sinus infection for over a week now, and havent been able to do much work. I've been forcing myself to, as i have a deadline on tuesday, and have only done half of my report which i need to hand in.
but i basically feel really rubbish, and want to sleep, but if i do, i wont finish my work... bleurgh
thing is i cant really get an extension cosi'll have to start otehr work as soon as this is handed in and wont have any time to finish this report...
any advice?
I think it's worth trying intensively dosing yourself up, putting yourself to bed and sweating it out for a day. Have you been to the doc's? Are you on antibiotics?

A friend of mine had a terrible sinus infection and she cured it by eating raw garlic crushed on toast - okay so you'd stink but it did work!
i'm on antibiotics. i've been steaming my head, inhaling olbas oil etc... bur still feel like my head is going to explode! :frown:
scarlet ibis
i'm on antibiotics. i've been steaming my head, inhaling olbas oil etc... bur still feel like my head is going to explode! :frown:

I know it sounds like a wind-up, but is it not worth trying the garlic? Seriously, my mate felt better the next day. Desperate measures and all that ....

By the way, you have my sympathy, sinusitis is horribl;e and it's sooo difficult to study when your head hurts like that :frown:
Reply 4
I had that for the whole of easter. Three weeks of it. Doc's cut gluten, dairy and oranges out of my diet. Apparently that should help.

Ive basically not revised nearly enough or really at all for my Alevels during that time because my head has been pounding and am fooked. :/
hehe, maybe worth a try. at least it made me laugh!

and emmalina - i sympathise! face-ache really isnt the best aid to studying...
right now, i'm listening to my favourite music, and attempting to work for a bit before getting an early night
Do the best you can... you can always retake the coursework if it's really bad. But do take care of your health, and don't put too much pressure on yourself otherwise that won't help in your recovery. Good luck!
Reply 7
scarlet ibis
i've had a sinus infection for over a week now, and havent been able to do much work. I've been forcing myself to, as i have a deadline on tuesday, and have only done half of my report which i need to hand in.
but i basically feel really rubbish, and want to sleep, but if i do, i wont finish my work... bleurgh
thing is i cant really get an extension cosi'll have to start otehr work as soon as this is handed in and wont have any time to finish this report...
any advice?

Ditto I've been ill since Feb. I think it's better in the long term to just chill out for a bit and give yourself the chance to get better. Altho, it's really hard to do nothing when there's so much pressure on u! Sorry, I sympathize, hope you get better soon.
Did you try the garlic scarlet?

Hope you're on the mend now :smile:
erp, no! but the antibiotics have done the trick!
scarlet ibis
erp, no! but the antibiotics have done the trick!

yay :p: