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Reply 1
The question in itself is misguided and inconsequential;
SPS is generally regarded as being a doss. It isn't; all courses have a similar workload (well, roughly...) and all the joshing is just good humour.
Reply 3
I know an SPS student who found that he had a bit of free time and so went skiing for a week in the middle of term.

I suspect that in most subjects, if you missed a week you.. well, you'd be screwed. You would have to work flat out for the next uh year or so just to catch up.
You've discovered the joys and the pitfalls of an Arts degree...

You can do whatever you want, whenever you want. However, as that rarely includes work, seriosu motivation is needed. I mean, the trick is not so much going skiing for a week in teh middle of term and then having a mad catch up continual esay crisis over teh next week, as to resist the temptation and work steadily... says the hypocrite who spent 60 hours of week 5 in th ADC and only about 10 doing his degree!

Case study: Me, this morning. Meant to be up at 8 and working in teh library by 10, revising. I'm not even dressed yet...
Case study: Me, this morning. Meant to be up at 8 and working in teh library by 10, revising. I'm not even dressed yet...

You went to the library naked? :eek: Well I had heard rumours about what go on in the rather phallic UL......
Reply 6
You went to the library naked? :eek: Well I had heard rumours about what go on in the rather phallic UL......

Whilst I have gone out before in my slippers :rolleyes: as I forgot I was wearing them, and had to walk to the porter's lodge wearing only a towel on more than one occasion- allright, 4!- having locked myself out of my room whilst having a shower, I have never been to the library naked. Yet.

BTW, I can see teh UL now from my bedroom window- I live in Mem, under the phallic shadow every damn day...
Reply 8
So why are these subjects disrespected; because they are easy and you have time to do other activities?
So why are these subjects disrespected; because they are easy and you have time to do other activities?

Probably not. Usually it's more that they're considered less useful, or less prestigious because they're of recent origin. Though some courses might have a slightly lower workload, none of them can be described as easy.
is education seen as quite dossy because there's a girl who used to go to my college and she's doing education+geography and says it's really easy
is education seen as quite dossy because there's a girl who used to go to my college and she's doing education+geography and says it's really easy

Education and whatever is not, as far as I'm aware, an honours degree, ie. it is not one of the normal Cambridge degrees, but in a different category.
Reply 12
I seem to fall upon a certain interest for Land Economy - should I be asked what i'm studying will others (from Cam) look somewhat down on me?
I seem to fall upon a certain interest for Land Economy - should I be asked what i'm studying will others (from Cam) look somewhat down on me?

Yes, they will poke you with an incredibly long stick, :smile:
Reply 14
I seem to fall upon a certain interest for Land Economy - should I be asked what i'm studying will others (from Cam) look somewhat down on me?

Only people who aren't worth knowing anyway. Most people won't care one jot. More likely when you find out someone is doing Medicine or NatSci (...etc) it'll be you giving the funny look - one of pity.
Reply 15
Only people who aren't worth knowing anyway. Most people won't care one jot. More likely when you find out someone is doing Medicine or NatSci (...etc) it'll be you giving the funny look - one of pity.

so very true. :frown:
Reply 16
Education and whatever is not, as far as I'm aware, an honours degree, ie. it is not one of the normal Cambridge degrees, but in a different category.

It's an HONOURS degree!
It's an HONOURS degree!

Is it? Sorry about that. I must have been thinking of something else. Isn't there something they do mainly at Homerton which isn't an honours degree? Or have I just not understood what an honours degree is?
Reply 18
Isn't there a nursing school at Homerton too? Or another field allied to medicine? I seem to remember something...Hmm.
Isn't there a nursing school at Homerton too? Or another field allied to medicine? I seem to remember something...Hmm.

There was and I think it was in Peterborough, but I think they've handed it over to ARU.